Chapter 15

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     "There you are my little Eleni!" I exclaimed, Kaija giving me her new born. I grabbed her with my arms wrapped around her small body, trying so hard not to drop her. I smiled, "Hello Eleni. You are just the sweetest little baby ever!" I gave her multiple small kisses on her forehead.

     Her sleeping eyes began to open, her eyes big and gray stared at me. She smiled softly, surprising me as she was around three weeks old.

     I awed and brought her towards me, laying her small head on my shoulder and hugging her tightly. "I love you so much!" Then, I looked at Kaija, "How was the birth?"

     "Good like always. She came out in five minutes and our family was there to help. They all held me up and Cora grabbed her!" Her eyes glistened as tears filled her eyes.

     Eleni began to get fussy and I was forced to give her back to Kaija to be fed. I gave Kaija a hug as they walked back to their room. I turned around and searched for my two sisters, I wanted to see how they were doing but also ask them about Kaija and father.

      I searched the castle after checking their individual rooms and not finding either of them. Finding them in the library reading, I knocked on the door to get their attention.

     Clio looked up immediately and smiled, "Good to see you Hera!"

      Dea finished reading her paragraph and looked up at me, "How have you been?"

      "Hi! Everything's been good, the job is great. I have a person in my basement, my first ever task and person in there."

       "Wow! I'm so proud of you!" Clio responded, closing the book and walking towards me.

     Dea remained sitting and just watched us two talk with each other. She read a sentence or two then looked back up at us.

       "Clio, I was at the museum and was walking through your section of the museum," I decided to start the conversation.

      "Mhm!" She said perked up. "Did you enjoy it?"

       "Yeah, I learned a lot about my family and the demon species." I looked back at the door which led to an open space of seating area and decorations. "I noticed small details of the drawings and wanted to know what the actual story behind it was. You know, try not to assume anything..."

       Clio nodded, thinking about it for a moment. Dea cleared her throat and shot a look at Clio, she smiled nervously at Dea, "Father and our mother decided to have me. I was the first born and only child for around one-thousand years. I was spoiled all my life because they only had me to raise. But it was also lonely, when father and our mother were working, I had no one really. Just a babysitter.

      "But then they announced that they were having another baby. It would be our sister Dea who I was immediately excited about. Finally, I would have someone to hang out with and talk to after she had grown up to an adult. And because that would take sixteen years, I decided to help our mother raise Dea.

      "I fed her, kept her entertained, and did every single thing when mother was tired or busy. Even when she wasn't though, I begged her to let me care for Dea and she would accept the help, thinking I just wanted to bond with my little sister. But that acceptance from the bond turned into bitter hate when Dea grew up loving me more than her."

     Dea put the book and curled up on her chair, wanting to listen to the story while also not adding anything. She tossed the book aside; a tear began to form.

      I added, now knowing my speculation was correct, "When Kaija came along Persephone took her into her clutch. Not allowing you to see her."

       "Yes but she did let me see them, she let Dea spend time with Kaija as well. But only to play with them and nothing more. Everything else she did and wouldn't even leave her side when we played with her."

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