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What if Rex died during order 66?

The wind whirled against Ahsoka's montrals, whipping her clock against her battered skin. A couple salty tears dripped down her cheek landing on the bare dirt. Ahsoka kneeled down and placed another orange helmet on a pole. She dusted off the visor, staring intently at the white markings. Her face markings.

The former Jedi shivered and put a hand on her belt. Out of habit her fingers grazed over two metal cylinders; gripping them in each hand. Ahsoka rubbed her fingers across the cold metal, feeling the faintest signature of her master's calloused hands. She fumbled over the button igniting the blue blades, allowing a faint hum to fill the air.

Ahsoka didn't deserve these lightsabers, she was no longer a Jedi or a commander. Everyone she loved was dead. Rex's helmet was placed on a pole as well as Jesses and Hardcase.

The Torgurta buzzed off the sabers, letting them roll off her frozen fingers. She heard them clunk lifelessly on the ground. Ahsoka had worked so hard for those crystals, those useless gems that killed half of her family.

She stood up, her legs trembling like boiled noodles. The former padawan was mad at herself for not noticing the darkness and at the Council for being so blind towards it. Ahsoka winced, burying the thoughts deep in her mind.

She stumbled over to a patch of dandelions growing on the ground. Wrapping her fingers around the delicate stem and plucking it roughly from the frozen soil. The flowers reminded her a bit of herself actually. Growing up in a peaceful temple with a kind and selfless master, then suddenly getting everything you loved ripped away.

Ahsoka picked the dandelions until she had around a handful snug warmly in her hands. She brought them over next to Rex's helmet, lining them around in the shape of a wreath. The former Jedi trembled as wet tears slid off her damp cheeks. Ahsoka closed her eyes, prying her mind open to search for her and Anakin's bond, but it was gone. It was like he'd vanished.

The Torgurta stumbled her hands over a stick gripping it to draw in the dense soil. She made out the letters A N A K I N, writing master underneath. Hard sobs racked Ahsoka's body as she threw the stick across the grass. She heaved for air, gulping it down in big mouthfuls.

Ahsoka couldn't get over the fact that she was alone. That everyone she had ever loved was dead. Her head throbbed and her muscles ached, she wanted to go back home to the temple and snuggle with Anakin until she fell asleep. She wanted to laugh with Fives and play pranks on Rex.

The former padawan cried until her eyes were dry and puffy.

She stood up brushing her cloak back down over her knees. The wind nipped at her arms as she walked away. Ahsoka briefly glanced back, tears threatening to fall as her eyes came upon her Captain and master's graves. They were gone. Dead.

Ahsoka was all alone.

This story was really short compared to my other ones. I'm sorry if it made you sad! (I kinda cried writing it) Anyways I hope to update again soon.

-Kat :)

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