Port Awa

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After leaving the Blue Dragon's village, we walked for days while resting, and rested well me walked. Then finally, we made it to Port Awa.

Yona and the others with the exception of Hak marveled as they saw the ocean for the first time well I stare at the ocean scowling. My tiny hands formed fists as I looked out at the water. What would happen to me if I went in the water? Ever since the incident, I had stared to fear large amounts of water. When ever it had rained I would start screaming and freaking out.

After a whole bunch of group meetings and a lot of deep breaths I had managed to somewhat tame my fear and not scream my head off every time a raindrop hit me. But, I still was afraid of the ocean.

"Hak, is that the ocean! It's so beautiful. I've never seen it before. " Yona cheered happily her eyes wide as she took in the scene. "It's the Earth Tribe's Awa Port. I'd never thought I'd be back here." Hak answers.

I look up at him surprised. "You've been here before?" I questioned surprised. "Long ago. The old geezer brought me here." Hak explained. Who's this old geezer? Yona turned to Gija. "Gija, is the Green Dragon here?" Yona asked. Gija looked sick. "Well..... he seems to be moving about at a dizzying speed."He replied his eyes swirling as he falls over dizzily. "G-Gija!" Yona stutters.

Yun looks down at Gija. "I guess the dragons powers aren't indefinite. After a certain point, they lose a lot of strength. " Yun notes raising a hand to his chin in thought. "I'd like to look for the Green Dragon, but we're exhausted from our long journey. We should get more food, too." Yun thinks aloud.

Shin-Ha, Gija, and Yona's faces light up as they here this. "Lets go to the port city!" Yona beamed in agreement.

Yes, because no one will notice Gija's strange arm and silver hair. And I doubt people will recognize a red-haired princess at all. Don't even get me started on Shin-Ha. With his weird wig and odd mask, Ao poking out of his robe. He's clearly suspicious.

"We're not going! We can't take you guys down there! Especially the one in the mask!" Yun scolded. As much as I wanted to argue with Yun that they could go, he was right and I felt really bad for Shin-Ha.

"I'll go then. I remember how to get around the city." Hak offered. Yona stepped towards him. "Hak. I wanna go, too." Yona protests. "Princess your growing uglier lately." Hak replies bending down to look more closely at Yona's face.

"Hey!" Shouted Yona. Clearly offended. "How dare you! The princess is b-beautiful." Gija yells his face turning red as he says the last part. "You have bags under your eyes. Your hands are covered with cuts. Your pushing yourself too hard. You should get some rest." Hak insisted patting Yona on the head.

Yona looks down at the floor. "I don't know what you're talking about." She argues back stubbornly. "Just be careful. Don't start any trouble." Yun warned as Hak grabbed his bag about to leave. "You guys should hide." Hak said handing Gija his weapon not wanting to draw attention to himself he turned around to leave.

"Wait!" I called to Hak. He turns back around. "What?" He asks annoyed. "I'm coming with!" I announced. "No, go hide." Hak denies turning around and beginning to walk away. "Hay, Hay, HAY! I'm not suspicious! I can go!" I shouted back, running after him as Yun, Yona, Shin-Ha, and Gija went off to hide.

Hak looked down next to him and tsked his tongue when he saw me. "Go back." He ordered. I ignore him. Hak sighs. "Fine." He groans looking tired of me already. "I'll meet up with you in front of Awa Port at the gates, ok?" I say starting to walk away as we enter the town.

Hak snatches my hand. "Your not going alone." He protests. I turn to face him "Hak, do you know how long I lived on my own once my father died?" I asked looking him straight in the eyes. "Thats irrelevant." He answers. "Two years." I continued. Hak tightens his grip on my hand. "I can take care of myself." I reassure. Hak let's go of my hand. "Ok, we meet in front of Port Awa at the gates."

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