Chapter 9 - Imposter?

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"You mean, she, I-I didn't hit her?" Sehun was struggling to arrange his words. It was difficult for him to process the information he just received.

For days after the incident took place, he had been blaming himself for Sooyoung's death only to find out that he didn't cause any harm to the girl at all.

"Yes, you didn't crash into her, Sehun. And wanna know something? This is not the end." Sehun held his breath again as Chanyeol spoke.

What else he has to say? The boy was on the verge of crying, his heart racing like crazy.

Sehun wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, refusing to let his tears flow. He then focused on Chanyeol, waiting for the words that would come out of the man's mouth.

"This is the most difficult part of the investigation. You should pay me more, Hun-ah." Chanyeol managed to crack a joke between the serious conversation as he showed the papers that had been taken out of the envelope.

"This is Sooyoung's health records that I got from Ehwa Women's University Hospital." Haebin moved closer to read but Sehun was faster as he reached for the paper to examine it.

"Huh?" One word that came out of his mouth made the girl wonder about the paper's content.

"This is just a record of her being examined and treated." Haebin frowned while Chanyeol nodded and took the paper from Sehun's hand.

"I had been looking so deeply into this matter, Sehun. At first, I thought the Park family didn't want to tell the media about their daughter's death and make a big deal of it. But it's nonsense because how long are they going to hide the fact that their heir is now dead?"

"So, I researched again and again. But, all I found was this, Sehun." Said Chanyeol, referring to Sooyoung's health records from Ehwa Women's University Hospital.

"There is not a single record that says Park Sooyoung is dead. Park Sooyoung's body is not even in any morgue, Sehun." He added.

Huh? So...Park Sooyoung, Sooyoung, what the...

Haebin was beyond confused. She looked at Sehun who had an unreadable expression on his face. She couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind.

"What are you trying to say, hyung?" Sehun's question was left unanswered for a few seconds before a sigh came from Chanyeol.

"Sehun, I'm not trying to give you hope." Chanyeol looked down for a moment.

"But, based on my investigation, I think we can conclude that Park Sooyoung..." Chanyeol trailed off, adding suspense to the already tense conversation.

"Park Sooyoung is still alive. She's still alive, Sehun." Sehun didn't realise when he started holding his breath, but as soon as Chanyeol finished his sentence, he felt like he could finally breathe again.

The three of them went silent after that.

Sehun had his mouth twitched a few times, but not a single word came out from him. His head hung low and his eyes darted left and right as if he was looking for something, but there was nothing to see down there except the shoes he was wearing.

As if the silence was a cue, Chanyeol and Haebin ended up looking at each other. The man just gave her a bitter smile.

Haebin then turned to Sehun who seemed to be in another world, struggling with his own mind. His face was frozen, but Haebin knew that his thoughts were a mess.

"Anyway, I have work to do." Chanyeol eventually broke the ice.

"Sehun, I'll get going first. Haebin, please look after him." Haebin nodded with a smile, watching Chanyeol as he went out of sight.

"Hun," She softly called for her friend. Her hand automatically grabbed onto his hand on the table.

"Let's go back, hm?"


Haebin had no idea how they ended up in a mall right now.

After the meeting with Chanyeol earlier, the girl surely asked Sehun to go back but then the boy suddenly drove to the mall without saying anything.

Now, they were walking side by side, window-shopping.

"Do you want to buy anything, Haebin?" Sehun questioned, breaking the silence between them.

"I don't think I have anything to buy. You?"

"I do. Come on, follow me." Sehun grabbed the girl's hand before dragging her into a shop.

Haebin raised her head, reading the store signage.


She hastily turned to Sehun with her mouth slightly open. The boy seemed relaxed, already choosing what he wanted from the male section.

However, this was not the case with Haebin. She began to silently fiddle with her sleeves, looking around as she felt out of place.

In her mind, she was cursing her friend for bringing her to a place where she obviously couldn't afford to freely buy anything.

What is his motive for bringing me here? Is he showing off right now?

Haebin knew how rich Sehun was. Even if he wasn't a cafe owner, he could still be considered a wealthy person because of the property left behind by his late mother. He also got all the financial support from his father who was building a new family in Canada.

"Bin, what are you doing? Take a look, if the rest anything you want then tell me." Sehun suddenly sounded, noticing the girl who remained static in her place.

"I'm paying, so just take anything, Haebin." He added with a warm tone, realising the reason for his friend's behaviour.

Meanwhile, Haebin held back her smile when she heard his words. She wasn't a materialistic person, that's for sure, but there's nothing wrong with accepting people's kindness, right?


"Okay." They split up after that. Haebin stepped towards the section where women's shoes were located while Sehun just disappeared.

While the girl was trying on a few pairs of shoes that stole her attention, she suddenly heard Sehun's voice talking to someone who she knew was not a salesperson.

"Sooyoung? That's you, right, Sooyoung?"

Huh? Sooyoung?

Haebin turned around as fast as lightning, approaching Sehun who she saw was standing in front of a woman who was looking down.

"Sorry, you got the wrong person. I'm not Sooyoung." The closer she got to them, the clearer their conversation became.

"Wife? What's wrong?" Out of nowhere, a man appeared, hugging the body of the woman who was said to be Sooyoung from the side.

Haebin quietly walked over to Sehun and stopped right behind him.

"Wife? Sooyoung, what is this?" Sehun's voice was heard again. This time the girl could hear the exasperation in it.

Haebin looked around in the meantime. No one paid much attention to them except for a few workers who had already started whispering to each other.

"Sooyoung? I think you're mistaken, sir. This is my wife and her name is Joy, not Sooyoung." The man replied.

Hold up...Why does he look so familiar?

Haebin stared deeply into every inch of the man's face until she found the answer.

Isn't he...

"Yook Sungjae?"


uh oh—

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