Chapter 9

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Once lunch comes, everyone has settled down. I'm at a table with Haylee, Abby, Mike, Joey, and some other guys from the basketball team, Chase, Arthur, Chris, and of course, Paul. We all always sit together. 

"I'm thinking about throwing a rager tonight," Chase says, taking a bite out of a mystery meat hamburger. He's the jock type. Tall, slim, and fit, with fluffy brown hair, and pretty grey eyes. I've always found him attractive in ways.

"Hell yeah," Mike says, reaching his hand out for a fist bump. He's short but athletic. Mike is dark-skinned and good at basketball. He's the point guard.

"Parents out of town?" Paul asks. Paul is tall with permed black hair. He has green eyes. However, for such a 'hot' guy, he has a really ugly personality. I feel bad for Abby.

"Yeah," Chase says, "You girls wanna come?" 

"Yeah." We all say in unison.

"Bet," Mike says and then glances at Paul saying, "You got the coke?" 

"Wait. We are talking about the soda right?" Abby asks, sounding serious.

All the guys start laughing except for Chase. He never found them funny. I don't understand why he's friends with them. 

"No, Abbs. Cocaine. If not, at least bring some weed," Mike says glancing back at Paul. 

Abby has a hurt expression on her face, oblivious to the fact Paul is their drug hookup.

"Yeah, I'll try," Paul says, ignoring Abby's hurt eyes.

"What the hell, Paul? Where are you getting the drugs? Why didn't you tell me?" She asks, her voice shaky.

"I shouldn't have to tell you shit honestly. Not if you're just going to run off and tell your daddy-issued fucker." He nods to me. 

I clench my fists.

"Stop," Chase says before the situation can escalate. "I don't want drugs there anyway." 

"Mood killer." Mike mumbles. 

The bell rings and we all go our separate ways together. I've already had French, Spanish, AP Calculus, and AP Biology so I won't be seeing Abby and Haylee for a while.

Chase messages the high school group chat, Rager at my house at eight o'clock. Tonight. Be there.

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