Chapter 44

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Daniel's POV

As I walk into the house, Dad is watching television.

"How'd it go, son?" He asks, turning his head as I sit down on the couch with my crutches. I drop them on the carpet gently. 

I sigh and try to hide my stupid smile, "Great," I turn down the volume on the television, "her mom was nice. I like her." 

"That's great. So, are you and that girl datin' yet?" He chuckles.

"I... I don't really know," I say, "It's confusing."

"What do you mean?" He asks, snapping his eyes from the television to me.

"I mean, we used to despise each other but tonight... we kissed," I say, looking away from my father so he doesn't see my blush.

"Oh, you kissed, huh? Cute start," he says, and then a sharp chuckle follows. "It's a Saturday, son... and you start school on Monday again so do you want to go outside with me and toss the football around?" He asks, looking kind-hearted and tired.

"I would but..." I gesture to my leg and crutches.

"Oh, yeah. My fault." He chuckles and turns his attention back to the television. 

"I'll be back," I say, grabbing my crutches and standing up carefully. 

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Just outside to make a call." 

"Alright," he nods.

I carefully get outside and stumble down in a rocking chair, letting my crutches fall at my feet. I pull my phone and press on the last contact I've called recently. 

It rings and rings. Finally, the other end picks up.

"What do you want, Joey?" He asks, sounding mad and tired.

"Oh, look who's still mad that they got beat up by their best bud," I laugh. 

"Shut up, Daniel. What do you want?" Jack asks through what sounds like gritted teeth.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask you what you know about this whole," I take a quick pause and chuckle a little, "Lane incident." 

"You were a chicken and called the cops," he murmurs.

My mouth hangs open a little. I clench my teeth. "No, I didn't call anyone. I guess someone recognized him or something and called them." 

"Yeah, right. You're lucky the only one they wanted was Lane. Now he's dead... because of you." He snaps.

I chuckle manically, "Were you two in love or something? You could've just told me you were gay and liked old people." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" He shouts. I pull the phone away from my ear a bit.

I sigh, "What I mean is that you back this man up on everything. He was terrible, Jack."

"Well, what if he made me feel wanted?" He yells, sounding hurt and serious.

"Jack, my dad acted like he didn't want me, and I didn't go crawling to Lane to be my daddy." I snap. 

"Well, I had no one. At all. He left. Now, I only have my drug-addict mom who is probably going to die soon." He spits.

"Look, I'm sorry, Jack. You need to understand he could've screwed all of us youngsters up for life." I pulled my cigarettes out of my pocket. I told myself I wouldn't. I just need to.

"Well, at this point, my life is already screwed up. I have nothing much going for me. My grades are dropping, I could get kicked off the football team, and I might have to be put in an orphanage until I'm eighteen!" He's crying. I can hear it in his voice.

"Jack..." I breathe, "Okay, I get it. I'm sorry. Just know you can get through it, okay? Damn, you'll be okay, man." 

"Yeah, okay. I got to go." He sighs.

"Wait. Are we good?" I ask, knowing he'll say no.

"I don't know. You've changed. That little doll Mikayla is fucking with your brain. Bye, Daniel." He says, and then the other end cuts. I look at my screen. He hung up.

I sigh, shove my phone back into my pocket, throw my cigarettes down, stop on them with my good leg, and leave them there.

I pick up my crutches and go inside. I head straight for my room. I throw my crutches down and try to walk without them. I wince as pain stings and shoots through my leg. I clench my teeth and throw myself on my bed, ignoring the pain that aches everywhere on my body. 

My heart aches for Mikayla, but if I stay with her, I lose my childhood best friend. My mind pangs and throbs from lack of good sleep. It begs for rest but I can't help but think of Mikayla. 

Her soft lips on mine. Her touch. Her fragrance. Her sweet, light voice. 

Is she worth it to leave Jack for? Is it worth it to hand my heart over to a girl who used to hate me with a burning passion? Is my heart even healed enough for her?

Yes. My heart begs for her.

I need her. For some reason, it would hurt me more to separate myself from her. Jack can suck it up, right?

I groan in my pillow and flip over on my back, wincing. 

I won't give up on her. 

I can't.

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