Chapter 18

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I get home after an exhausting, long day at school, with luckily no homework. Dad still isn't home. He either passed out at the shop, or he's hiding. Again, I don't really care. Mom is home, though. She didn't speak to me when I walked in the door. She was in the kitchen. To be honest, I can understand why. I ran her husband off. 

I immediately get ready for Chase's party, even though it's at seven tonight. It's only five-thirty. However, I hop in the shower, wash my hair and body, use my body scrub, and... shave. Everywhere. 

I get out and dry myself well before slipping into a tight, shiny purple dress. It's strapless. It only goes mid-length down my thigh. It's short but makes me look pretty. I moisturize my face and put on some mascara after curling my eyelashes. I find some purple heels to match and I slip them on. They are about three inches long and strap up to my ankles. I put on silver jewelry this time. Medium-sized silver hooped earrings, and a silver cross necklace with gemstone tracing along it. My grandma on my mother's side got it for me before she died. 

I look in the mirror and smile for once. I plug in my curling iron and while I wait for it to heat up, I spray some deodorant and a "autumn sunset" scented perfume. I also brush my teeth and put on clear lipgloss. The usual. My eyelashes look long and thick. I'm actually kind of happy with myself. Except for the straight hair. However, I'm about to change that. 

I don't tell Chase I am actually coming. He's going to find out either way, right? Also, I want to blow him away tonight. My dress might end up on the floor again. He already knows about my scars so why hold back?

I curl my hair and think to myself. 

I am changing. Why do I see love... differently now..?

I finish curling my hair when I hear my door open.

"Mick?" Joey asks, knocking on my bathroom door.

"You can come in. I'm dressed." I say, unplugging my hair curler.

"Oh. You're already getting ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, but Chase doesn't think I am going, and don't tell him," I say, spraying my hair with hair spray.

"Yeah, yeah. I won't," he says, his hands in his hands in his hoodie pockets. "So... about about last night. Dad called Mom. He threatened to never come back unless you-we.. change our ways." He says, sounding quiet and introverted when he was the polar opposite. 

I don't even make a face at his comment that should really be making me cry right now. However, it's a relief. No father, no problems.

"Okay." I shrug.

"Are you serious, Mikayla?" He asks. Uh-oh. He used my actual name. 

"What? He hurts us mentally every day. He almost hurt you physically yesterday!" I say, my hands on my hips.

"So you just want him gone? Out of our lives completely? Are you really that screwed up in the mind? I mean, he's our dad, Mikayla!" He yells, leaning on the door frame, arms now crossed on his chest.

"Okay? He doesn't love us, Joey. He never has. For crying out loud, he never wanted us! Mom told both of us when we were young that he wanted an abortion!" I yell, closer to his face now.

He just stands there with a painful expression on his face. 

"Just... get out, please. If you want to live in torture with that man, go live with him!" I yell, holding back tears.

I've never yelled at Joey like that. He's always been the one to keep me on my feet, but here I am, pushing him away with every word. 

When he doesn't budge, I get angrier. How dare he stand there, in my room, and look at me like I have blood on my hands. If he keeps pushing me, I just might.

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