Chapter 13

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There's that blaring alarm again. I'm exhausted. I get up and look in the mirror. I look horrible. I do my normal morning routine and put on black leggings and a blue sweatshirt and I just wear my Crocs and white socks. I don't curl my hair this morning. I leave it down. As straight as a pencil. My hair flows down to my waistline. My sweatshirt hangs off my right shoulder, showing my black bra strap. I still have my necklace and earrings on from the party. I curl my eyelashes and coat them with black mascara. I layer some clear lipgloss on my lips and pack my sports bags and school bags. 

I stumble down the stairs and throw my stuff in my truck, warm it up, and sit on the porch chairs. I open my phone. Haylee called me three times last night. No calls from Abby, though. I know she's hung over. Daniel didn't say anything after my text. I remember Chase giving me his number and a big smile spread across my face. I text him.

Good morning! I text him, excitedly.

I hope he shows up at school today because I know that party wore him out. I hear the front door open slowly and Joey steps out in his red and white Warriors hoodie with his football number on the back and some black shorts. 

"Mike is picking me up." He tells me as he throws his bookbag and football stuff on the porch.

"Oh, okay." I check my phone. Seven-fifteen. I think about leaving early. Maybe to get coffee or breakfast. Just as I am about to get up, Joey's voice forces me to stay seated.

"So, what happened last night? With you and Chase? Everyone is talking about it. People were saying Daniel was extremely drunk last night and even tried to kill Chase," he says, not even looking me in the eye as he speaks.

"Uh.. nothing honestly. Just a dumb situation that escalated, and what do you mean Daniel tried to kill Chase?" I ask, my eyes watering from the cold, damp, fall wind.

"Don't lie to me, Mick. Did you two...?" He asks, obviously knowing I was trying to change the subject.

"No! We just made out! That's all." I say, feeling extremely uncomfortable talking about this with my twin brother.

"Well, when you left, Chase came back inside looking upset and was trying to get people to leave but Daniel charged at him and tackled him on the ground. Jack pulled Daniel off when he was about to punch the hell out of Chase." Joey says, finally looking at me, his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Dang, why?" I say, honestly oblivious. What the hell is wrong with Daniel? 

"Nobody really knows. Some people were saying he was pissed off from Chase yelling at him from earlier at the party and some others say he was just really drunk and pissed off about something and took it out on Chase." Joey's eyes soften once he realizes the harsh words coming out of his mouth. "I don't care if you have a thing with Chase, but please just be careful." 

Right after Joey said that Mike pulled up. He picked up his stuff and threw it in the backseat of Mike's truck. Mike gave me his blinding white smile and drove off with Joey. 

My stomach started to hurt. My brain was overflowed with information I didn't want to know. I feel my phone buzz in my lap and I bring myself back to reality. Again. 

It's Chase. My heart slows to a normal rate and my eyes don't feel as heavy anymore. 

The text read, Good morning, Kay.

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