Chapter 27

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Mikayla's POV

I sit back, full. I watched Daniel walk out, limping a few minutes ago. All I could do was smile when he saw me earlier. He looked so pained, all I could feel was anguished. 

"Mikayla, Haylee?" Abby asks.

We both snap our lost gazes back to her. 

"I broke up with Paul." Sigh runs a hand down her cheek. 

"I figured," I accidentally spit out. 

"Yeah. I didn't think you two were still together either." Haylee looks down at her water.

"I didn't want to be involved in the drugs and illegal shit he does," she says, leaning back after the waitress picks up the rest of the plates and takes my card.

"I get it," I say, passing her a sweet grin.

We all end up leaving soon, leaving our chats behind at the table about love, sex, sadness, and shitty people at our school, at the table, and going separate ways to our cars. 

I get in and immediately check my phone.

 A missed call from Daniel.

I sigh shakily and place my phone in my lap. I drop my head into my hands. 

Why does his name scare the shit out of me now? It makes my heart light up but also flicker off at the same time. I'm supposed to hate him.

Now, I don't think the hatred is there. Just pity and sadness for him. He's a mistaken guy and I need to give him a chance. 

I sigh and call him back. After the first ring, he answers.

"Hello?" He asks, his voice sounding deep and tired.

"Hey. You called?"

"Yeah," he breathes out, "I'm so fucking sorry, Mikayla. I really didn't mean to trauma dump on you like that. However, you know an extremely dangerous and illegal secret. Can I trust you not to tell a soul? Not even Abby. Not even Haylee. Most definitely not even Joey." 

His voice sounds demanding but sweet at the same time. It makes me shiver and I crank up my truck. "Yes, you can trust me. I promise." I sigh.

"Okay..." He says quietly.

Before I open my mouth to ask an important question, his voice interrupted. 

"Um. Do you think you're maybe... starting to forgive me?" He asks, sounding embarrassed and I hear him shuffle around over the phone.

I clear my throat. However, when I do, it just closes up again. I try to breathe but it's hard and it hurts. I mute myself, bang myself on the chest, cough loudly, and I curse myself. 

"Get your fucking self together," I mumble to myself. 

"Mikayla?" He asks. 

I freeze but keep driving, the phone to my ear illegally. 

I unmute myself and respond tiredly, "I don't-" I pause and rephrase my words. "I forgive you mostly. It's just going to be hard trusting you all the time." 

"Yeah, understandable." I hear him chuckle and it makes me smile. 

I'm happy he finds amusement out of this awkward conversation. 

"So... can I help you out?" I finally spit out.

"Huh? What... what do you mean?" He asks, clearing his throat.

"Um. With the... betting shit. That's what I am going to call it. Betting shit," I chuckle, fakely, and then continue before he can speak, "Can I help you get out of this dumbass hole you dug? I mean, I already know this illegal secret."

He's dead silent. I have to look at my phone screen while driving to make sure he hasn't hung up. 

He finally sighs and responds with a weak voice, "I don't know, Mikayla. I mean, do you even see us as friends? We are practically strangers that have hated each other for years. Also, this betting shit is dangerous. People fight, shoot, stab, curse, and threaten all the time. You wanna risk your own fucking life for some guy you don't even like or talk to enough?" He sounds hurt.

"Daniel, I am willing to help you. Whether it puts me in danger or not. I want to help you. We can slowly become closer as friends and try to steer each other in the right direction. You need help and obviously, Jack isn't enough." I say, shocked at my own words.

He made such a fair point. Do I want to risk my life for him?


I don't know why, but all my heart wants is to help him. 

My heart is pounding fast as I wait for his response. 

He gulps loudly and finally says, "Mikayla, I can't control what you want or do. I don't feel good about it, but if you think you can really help me and you want to, fine." 

"Okay, Dan. I'll meet you at the Outback Steakhouse tomorrow. You know, to talk things out?" I ask, sighing in relief that he will let me help him.

"No. Coffee shop?" He asks, sounding strictly focused on not going to Outback. I wonder why.

"You asking a stranger on a date?" I tease.

He chuckles softly. "You asked first. I just made it official at a different location." 

I smile, knowing he's joking with me in this awkward moment, trying to lighten it up.

"Okay. See you there at five." I say.

We both share our goodbyes and right when I hang up, I pull into my driveway.

I get out and go inside, feeling hurt but happy at the same time. I just wish my damn body would snap the fuck out of it. 

I walk up to my room, Joey and Mom already in bed, and I plop down on my bed. 

I notice my blade and I sigh. I pick it up gently and toss it into the trashcan.

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