Chapter 34

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Daniel's POV

I woke up to a buzz on my phone. I ignored it and crawled out of the hotel bed and winced as pain shot through my leg. 

Lane now has the three hundred and something dollars I stole from Dad. He still wasn't happy to find out I still don't have the rest of it but I'll get it somehow. I also have no will to go home. Dad knows I stole money and I've already beaten the shit out of him. The next time I show up, he'll probably be sitting on the porch with a shotgun in his hands.

I sigh and walk over to the small kitchen and make myself some coffee. I dig in my jeans pockets grab my keys and cigarettes and place them down on the counter. 


I remembered this was the day Mikayla was supposed to get out of the hospital. I limp over to my bed and grab my phone to call her.

She texted me first asking if we were still on for today.

I sigh and text her back, Yes. What time?

She texts back almost immediately, Now would be good... I don't wanna be home anymore

I sip my coffee slowly as I stare at the text. I put my phone down and limp back over to my bag laying on the floor beside my bag. Almost everything is bloody except for a black hoodie that has my football number and last name on it. I pull off my dirty white shirt and decide to take a quick shower. 

When I am out I throw on the hoodie and some jeans with black boots. I put on deodorant and brush my teeth. 

I limp out of the bathroom and see that Mikayla has texted me again, I'll meet you at the coffee shop soon

I text back, I'll be there soon, just now finished getting ready

I sigh and grab my cigarettes and keys off the counter after shoving my phone into my back pocket. 

I wince in pain as my whole body aches. I limp down to my truck and get in, slamming the door. I have to remind myself I want to see Mikayla. I want to talk to her.

So I pull off and head straight for the coffee shop, ignoring all of my feelings. 

When I pull into the parking lot, I see Mikayla's truck already there. I yank my keys out of the ignition and shove them into my hoodie pockets after locking the truck. I walk inside slowly and see her sitting in a booth in the far right corner, sipping coffee while on her phone.

I limp over and she looks up at me slowly. She smiles softly but I can't help how pretty she looks even when she's tired, sad, and in pain. Her eyes twinkle back at me and I smile back, sliding into the booth across from her. 

"Hey, Dan," she says, her voice low and sad. 

"Hey, Mick," I say, looking around the small coffee shop. 

"So. Um. You want to tell me more about this," she lowers her voice, "Betting shit?"

I clear my throat, "Yeah, it's just a huge gang of people who make illegal bets, the adults obviously making worse ones than me. We sometimes bet money, sometimes bet drugs, sometimes even bet our own gang members." 

"You guys are a gang?" Her eyelashes flutter in surprise.

"I guess. We are just a big group with guns and drugs, and we say we have each other's backs." I say, barely understanding it myself. I don't know why it works like that either. 

It's not really a gang... just a huge group of employees for Lane. However, I don't rephrase my sentence. 

"Is that all? You guys just bet illegally?" She asks, her eyes filled with curiosity. 

I nod slowly, "Yeah and we have to give a portion or all of it to our boss, Lane." 

"That's so weird. Does he do any betting? Or does he make you guys do it?"

"He's too high most of the time. So we are usually the ones who do all the betting," I say, clearing my throat again, "he won't let me leave, though."

She nods, "Why?"

"You know, he hates me more because he had beef with my dad. He even tried to kill my dad but he was too scared of getting arrested so he just beat him to a pulp and hid in the shadows."

"Fuck." She whispers and her eyes drop to the coffee mug in front of her.

"Yeah, and I need to get out of it or I'll get arrested," I say, breathing heavily.

"I'm so confused. How is it illegal? Are you betting with bookmakers?" She asks. It's a good question because I barely understand it as well, I just know it's bad and I shouldn't be doing it.

I nod, "Lane does. We give him money for that. That and drugs." I roll my eyes.

"I can help you, right? We agreed on that?" She asks, looking back up at me.

"Yes, but know you might have to stand behind me in most situations," I say.

"Oh...come on-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Are we still strangers?" I sigh.

"No, Dan. We're friends now, okay? I-I forgive you." She chews on her bottom lip and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"I am really sorry about... your dad by the way," I say, regretting it quickly when I see tears rolling down her face. 


"I'm sorry for crying," she shakily whines, "what you did to him was for me." 

I don't respond. I just reach across the table and wipe her tears with my thumbs. 

She grabs my wrists but she doesn't move them away. She just lets out a quivery sigh and says, "Thanks, Dan."

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