Chapter 35

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Mikayla's POV

Me and Daniel sit in silence. I know he's hurting. However, there has to be something he's not telling me. I don't understand how it's so dangerous and illegal. Though I don't know how illegal betting works anyway. 

"I stole money from my dad," Daniel says, breaking the silence. 

My eyes widen slightly and I look down at the table. "Why?"

His hand rubs his temple. "I... I didn't have enough money to pay for the bet so I stole some of his, and I had to beat the shit out of him before I left." He says, looking uncomfortable. "I can't go home, Mikayla."

My mind is so confused, "What happened to the money I gave you?" I ask, wondering if he lied and he wasn't enough for the bet.

"The original deal was one grand." He sighs, looking at me sympathetically. 

"I can give you-"

"No! No, no. I don't want you to." He says.

"Then how else are you supposed to pay Lane back?" I ask.

"I'll figure it out. I'll work at McDonalds or the ice cream shop around the corner." He shrugs.

"Okay, just please don't steal any more money." I sigh, realizing my care and worry for Daniel is growing. I can't stop it.

He nods slowly. 

I was about to start talking again to stall him from leaving, but his neck snapped towards the coffee shop door.

"What, Daniel? Daniel?" I ask but he doesn't respond or move. 

A big old guy with face tattoos walks over to our table. He slides into the booth beside me and purposely shoves me over. I'm too scared to say anything. 

"What do you want, Lane?" Daniel asks through clenched teeth.

Lane wraps his arm around me and pulls me in close. I smell his must and try pulling away, but I wince at the pain in my stomach and his grip tightens. 

"Let her go, Lane," Daniel says, his face red. 

"I see you got yourself a girlfriend instead of trying to get my one hundred and sixty-five dollars." He smirks and aggressively digs his nails into my shoulder. 

I wince and Daniel stands up, hovering over us both. 

"Get the fuck up, Lane. Let her go. We aren't doing this in a coffee shop. 

I shake my head at Daniel, but he doesn't listen. Lane stands up after shoving me away from him and I wince in pain and clutch my stomach. 

Daniel and Lane walk out of the shop together and I quickly throw some cash on the table to pay for my coffee, I walk out of the shop. 

I see Daniel and Lane arguing behind Daniel's truck. I walk over slowly and Lane narrows his eyes at me. 

"Get your girlfriend away from us before she gets hit in the crossfire." Lane's corners of his mouth slide up mischievously and he looks down at me.

Daniel pulls me back to him and whispers in my ear, "Stay back."

"Oh, no, Daniel. Let me see the princess again." Lane smirks as his gaze drops to me standing close behind Daniel.

"Look, I'll get you the rest of the money, okay?" Daniel says, stepping towards Lane. 

Two big guys step out of a truck and walk toward Lane.

What the hell?

Daniel steps forward again and ignores my reach for his arm. I shouldn't have come here. 

"You are always late, Daniel. With my money. Don't worry, I'm not firing you or anything," he smirks.

"Please do," Daniel mumbles. 

"It's like you want to die," Lane says, stepping back.

 I look around for people but there aren't a lot of people around here and if they are, they are inside and aren't paying attention to us.

The two big guys step in front of Lane. 

"Oh, come on, Alex. Thomas put the knuckles down." Daniel rolls his eyes and cracks his neck. 

"Swing, boy." I'm assuming this is what Alex says before stepping closer to Daniel. 

"No, Alex. I don't swing first. You know that." Daniel says, no fear in his voice.

Alex's gaze drops to me and instead of coming for Daniel, he smiles and starts walking towards me. 

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