Chapter 19

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Daniel had nodded, understandingly.

However, did he understand me? He was a total jerk but somehow, out of the blue, he started acting like he cared about my well-being. No. It's got to be fake. I can't believe it.

"Mikayla." I hear his faded voice again.

"Yeah?" I ask, wiping my snot on the back of my hand.

I'm a mess.

"Come on. Let's take you home." Daniel says, lifting me up. 

He carries me to his own car in Chase's driveway. I hear comments and concerns from people but I am too tired to care or respond. I don't even care about the fact I am leaving my own truck there.

I get a phone call as Daniel is pulling out of the driveway. I let my blurry vision focus on the caller ID.


I answer it, clearing my throat. 

"Hello?" I say with a tired and shaky voice.

"Mikayla. I found out what happened. I'm sorry. I was heading to the party when I got a phone call from Mike. I'm heading home now. You've left, right?" 

I see Daniel glace at me quickly but then he returns to the road once he realizes I noticed. 

"Yeah. Someone else is taking me home, though, so my truck is still there," I say, feeling Daniel's tired eyes back on me.

"Who? Everyone else is still here. I'm in my truck now and I see all of our friends standing outside Chase's house. So who the hell are you with? Did Mom pick you up?" Joey asks. I hear him crank up his truck and start driving.

"I ordered an Uber," I say, looking back at Daniel with no regret of lying.

"Oh. Okay. We'll get your truck tomorrow. Also, I am so sorry for tonight. You didn't deserve what I had said to you or what Chase did. You deserve better, Mick. I'll see you when I get home. Okay?" Joey's voice cracks and my heart sinks. I should be the one apologizing. However, I don't.

"Okay, Joey," I say with a sweeter voice.

"I love you, Mick." I can almost hear Joey's smile over the phone.

"I love you too, Joe. Bye." I say, hanging up.

"Joey, huh? What was he apologizing for? Are you two alright?" Daniel asks, not taking his eyes off the road. He even looks good in the dark. However, I am severely pissed at that question.

"It's none of your dang business, Daniel. Why must you know everything?" I ask, sliding my heels off, my feet now on his dashboard. 

He glances at my feet but doesn't say anything about them.

"Look, Mick," He starts but I raise my hand up immediately. 

"Mikayla to you," I say through gritted teeth. 

"Fine. Look, Mikayla, I am trying to be nice. I realize I was rude. You want me to be completely honest with you?" He asks, still staring at the road. His fluffy curls bounced when we went over a pothole.

"Go on," I say.

"You're a decently pretty woman with great grades and you're athletic and fit. Not trying to be cocky, but I am too. However, I've always seen you as an inspiration. You always pushed yourself to your breaking point, no matter what got in your way. I admired that. I was just a douchebag who wanted to be cool to get cheerleaders and popularity," He says, slowing down now that no cars are around. "However, my mom died a couple of years back and now my dad is starting to fall back into depression and drinking a lot. He likes to blame everything that happened to Mom on me and I get mad and the only person I liked to take it out on was you and a couple of other nerds at our school. However, you were just so... perfect. It pissed me off." He says, looking genuine. 

"I'm sorry, Daniel," I say, picking my heels off the floorboard once he starts getting close to my neighborhood. He was at our house once, practicing with Joey out in the backyard. I didn't really expect him to remember my address. "My life isn't perfect, though. So don't get that stuck in your mind." I say, feeling bad for Daniel but the anger overcomes it from how he has treated me these past few years. 

"I know that, now." He says, looking at me pitifully when he pulls into my driveway. "Paul said every detail that Abby had supposedly told him to everybody. How your Dad is an alcoholic who has cheated on your mom and left you guys. I am really sorry. About all of that and everything I've ever done to you. I know it'll take a while to realize that, but I see us becoming friends. Possibly. Maybe?" He asks, looking at me meaningfully. 

"Maybe," I say, just wanting to get out and go inside. To cry.

"Okay," He says, nodding towards the house. "I'll see you tomorrow. At school." He says. 

I just nod get out with my purse and heels and go inside.

Dad still isn't home. Mom is, though. I don't really want to talk to her right now, though. So I go inside, throw my heels down by the door, walk upstairs, and lock myself back in my room.

I take a shower and do my facial routine, along with brushing my teeth and plugging up my phone. I scroll through TikTok while it's charging. I try to distract myself. 

I finally open Haylee and Abby's texts. 

Abby texted me, I'll kill Chase for you, babe. What happened though? Like, details, please!

I respond with, He just cheated with some cheerleader. I think it was a cheerleader and please don't kill him. Thanks.

Haylee texted, I know what happened. Are you okay? Why is your truck still here?

I text back, I got an Uber. I was too tired and sad to drive alone.

I didn't even open Chase's texts. I ignored them completely. 

After about an hour, Haylee responded with, Okay, just call me if you need me, please. Stay safe. I am here for you.

Abby sent me a video. 


I open it. 

"Holy hell!" I say aloud, sitting up in my bed.

It's a video of Daniel beating the life out of Chase.

Did he go back? For me? 

Chase gets up with a black eye and bloody nose. He just starts yelling, but I can't understand what he's saying, all his words are severely slurred.

"Don't ever treat her like that again. Don't talk to her. Don't touch her. Do you understand?" Daniel backs him into a wall.

All I hear is, "Fine, I didn't like that ugly-," 

Daniel punches him again and Chase slides down the wall, his hand on his cheek.

If this is an apology from Daniel, I definitely accept it more than the first time he apologized. Just not completely. 

Not completely at all. 

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