Chapter 16

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My mind is tired. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to my dad. Now both of them want to talk to me. Alone? Without Joey? Hell no. However, I am too tired to argue, so I walk over and plop down in the empty recliner across from them, sitting on the couch. 

"So, Mickey. We've found out what Daniel did at the party. We also know why he did it. Would you like to explain to us what happened? Don't mind lying. We already know the truth." My father speaks with a level tone. He doesn't look mad. There is no way he knows I was minutes away from... something I would've regretted. It's not like I would've followed through with it, but still. 

So I lie anyway, "No, Dad. Not much happened. Chase and I kissed, and when I left, not feeling well, Daniel apparently charged into Chase for reasons unknown to me." 

I feel terrible for lying. However, this comes to life or death, so I'll risk it anyway.

My dad nods slowly and exchanges a quick glance with my mother. They both speak at the same time.

"Thanks for being honest." They speak in unison. Wow. Okay. I guess whatever story they heard was under-exaggerated too. 

"Of course. I wasn't having... you know...or getting drunk if that's the first thing you thought of, by the way. Not like I wanted it either. I just really like Chase-" I say, however, my dad holds up his hand to stop me.

"That's where the problem is, sweetheart. This Chase guy seems like a troublemaker. I don't want my precious princess getting pregnant or in some serious trouble with a guy like that." He says, dropping his hand into his lap and then folding both of them together, slightly bending over to look me in the eye.

"Stop, Dad. I'm tired of you acting like you.." I almost curse but then I take a breather and continue, a little more calm, "like you care. You don't. You didn't even want to have me as a child. So why are you suddenly starting to care what I do at almost seventeen?" I ask, my eyes filling up with tears as I see my mom's eyes, red and puffy and hurt. She's been crying recently. It's because of my dumb dad, too.

"Now you listen to me, young lady. Don't you ever talk to me in that... that tone!" He slurs. He's been drinking. I don't know why I am just now realizing it. I guess he was trying to hide it. 


My mom rubs her hand on his back, trying to calm him down. I'm not scared of him. Not now. He's weak and he knows it. He's let himself go ever since he started drinking when he cheated on my mom. Ever since we had this little "family reunion" he's been a mess. 

"I'm so sorry, Dad. I'm sorry that you are now realizing I don't need you. I never needed you. You didn't want me and now that I'm older, I don't want you either. So, unless mom has something to say about Chase, and obviously she doesn't, she's just scared of you, then I will keep seeing him." I say, in the most formal way I possibly can with those heart-tearing words. 

My father's eyes water. I don't care. I stand up, nod at my mom, and walk upstairs, slamming my bedroom door behind me to make my dad jump downstairs.

No one comes up and checks on me. I don't really care. I finish my homework and get ready to see Chase. Joey still isn't home so he must be at Mike's house. I wanted to tell him everything that just happened but I can't. I'm not going to call or text him because that's weird. Maybe I can end up crying in Chase's arms tonight. 

Once I have changed into a pretty, off-the-shoulder blue dress, and put on light make-up and perfume with white heels, I walk downstairs with my purse and go out to my truck. Of course, my dad isn't here now. Probably at a bar instead of working. My mom is on a night shift right now too. She was already in her uniform when I came home today, seeing them on the couch.

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