Prologue 🌺

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I am looking in front of me with my dead and swollen red eyes.

It's all dark from the time I remember. But today I can feel exceptional loneliness in my heart.

Like I lost something very precious

Well, I did lose it....... I lost him she thought with a blank face.

I wanna scream and cry so desperately I wanna express this Heart-wrenching pain but I lost all my energy to do so.

Today I understood the real feeling of dread. This darkness in front of my eye is so familiar but still, I am afraid of it now.

" Why? Why..... You said you will always be beside me... You promised lied to me like them "she said with so much pain in her blind eye.

She stood up a little but then
"Shatter *** " The sound of glass breaking falls all over the room.

She jerked at the sound but then the broken glass piece pierced her leg. And the blood flowed from her leg nonstop.

"Aah," She said without much pain in her face

And moved with her injured leg toward the bed where a white big shirt was laid.

She lay on the bed slowly and moved toward the shirt and held it tightly like her dear life. Their bed sheet, his shirt, and her white dress are covered in red like her blood.

" I don't wanna lose you... I am afraid Rudr plz... I wanna sense your presence again" she said with tears flowing from her eyes.

" I am injured... But still, you are not here how? I am dying to hear your voice... Your touch... Your breath..your smell...everything" She said with desperation in her eyes which got lost like her consciousness

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