chapter - thirteen

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" Now, that mot ******** will see this demon play " Rudra whispered coldly as a shiver ran down the guard's spine after seeing a sudden change in his boss's dilemma.

Third person pov

Naina opened her eyes slowly but other minutes closed it because of the pain in her head. Blood is tracking down from her head to her salwar suit.

" Arghhh.... " She gritted her teeth while bearing the pain.

She tried to move her hand to touch her head without any result because her hands had been tied tightly behind her back.

" What should I do...?? " She Murmured as an unknown fear caught her.

Being in an unknown place is already nerve-wracking and her blindness is making a situation worse for her.

" God, are you mocking me? First, I lost my family then my eyesight. A few weeks ago I also almost died and now you again wrapped me in a dangerous situation " She whispered as moved her wrist to loosen the rope.

Click thumb *

Three boys and one girl opened the door while snickering with each other.

Rishab: Bro, Now that she is here. What are you going to do with her?

Akash: yes bro, you should teach her a good lesson.

Priya: Can I go now as my work is done?

Rishab: aye! Priya, where are you going? You should wait to watch the fun show. Ha ha, a...

Drish: yes Priya, you should watch how this arrogant girl. Those who tried to reject me will get her demise. I will make her beg in front of me haha...

She was giving me a lecture about self-respect na! Now I will show her where she belongs.

He said as he walked toward Naina and grabbed her hair, pulling it harshly.

"Argh... " Naina yelled in pain.

" Please leave me for god sake " Naina begs with tears in her already blind eyes.

" Baby, why are you so afraid? I am not going to hurt you ok. Oh yeah, there will be little pain but after that, you will only feel pleasure and beg me for more haha... " He utters while laughing like a maniac as he tries to touch her cheek.

Naina bit his hand with her teeth harshly. Almost making him bleed

" Don't you dare to touch me! " She warned him while showing an obvious disgust on her face.


A sudden horrifying sound of a tight slap surrounded the room.

" You are nothing more than a slut ha! And you are lecturing me you b****" He said while slapping her hard on her cheeks.

Then he moved his legs above her leg and started hitting her leg harshly. Almost breaking her bone.

" Arrrrggggggghhhhhhhh " A very heart wreaking scream of Naina enveloped the whole room.

" Please for god sake. Leave me what did I ever do to you? " Naina utter weakly while wailing badly.

More than her pain she is worried that if they did something horrifying to her that she can't even imagine.

" No dear, it was only your punishment for underestimating me, He said as he moved his hand toward her salwar. As Naina started shifting behind while begging and crying for help.

" Don't beg this early baby the play has just begun" He said as he tore her suit sleeve as Naina screamed.

" Please don't touch please for god sake " She yelled stammering while he moved his hand toward her.

Thud * a loud noise evolved the surface. As Rudra ended this brutal scene.

Everyone in the room smelled terror in the air as Rudra's bloodshot eyes stared a hole in the hand of Drish who was about to touch Naina.

" Ha ha ha ha! " A spine-chilling laughter surrounded them.

" Rudra " Naina whispered weakly and carefully.

" Hmmm.... Everything is ok. I am here now baby " He said while Clenching his hand tightly almost digging his nail as he walked toward them with big and imposing steps.

He gripped Drish hand's wrist which was touching Naina's arm tightly, cracking his bone.

" Arghhhh...... " Drish yelled

" Stop please!!!!!!" He yelled painfully as he saw rudra taking out his gun from his suit pocket.

" Now. You were talking about playing a game right, let's play a game called Death Game I will be the predator and you will be the f******* prey " Rudra said calmly, tilting his head while staring at drish with his bloodshot eyes as he played with the gun.

" No please, no spare me I beg you " He yelled on his knees while begging.

" Well your loss 'cause I won't spare my prey ever," Rudra said with a craze mixed with anger hidden in his dark eyes. As he shoots at Drish hand.

Bang bang *

" Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!¡!!!!" Drish cried out in pain miserably. As blood spattered everywhere. His friends and Priya are also in Rudra's guard's hands.

Rudra felt Naina flinch behind him from the noise and fear. He saw her shiver which pained his heart. he sat beside her put his upper jacket on her and covered her with it. He then untied her hands and caressed her wrist to soothe the pain.

He moved his hand to touch her cheek but Naina flinched at the touch.

" Shhhh... It's okay it's me " Rudra calmed her gently.

" Rudra... Rudra! ...... Sob sob * " Naina jumped on him while circling her hand on his neck as she cried her heart out on her shoulder.

" Th....ey they.. Tried to sob * sob * " She whispered weakly as Rudra tightened his hold on her strongly.

" Ahhhhh " A sharp gasp of pain left Naina's lips.

" You are hurt, star. Why didn't you tell me? Wait show me your face! " Rudra said as he gently moved Naina's face in his line of sight.

" That b****** I will kill him " Rudra roared which made Naina shudder with fear. Which also got noticed by him.

" I am so sorry baby. It's all my fault. I noticed it this late. I am so sorry I didn't notice your pain first and got blinded by my anger " Rudra spoke calmly as a tear dropped left his cheek and fell on Naina's hand

" Never do this again Naina. I got out of my wits. In this life, you are my only sun, only family, only star. Please don't ever indulge yourself in danger. I almost lost my life, my heart, my love ........... If I was a little then....... I can't even imagine" He said with a whimper.

"It's okay Rudra. Nothing would have happened to me. You are always here for me. God made you come before anything bad can happen to me. You are my savior, my protector, my other half " Naina said while tracing her hands under his eyes to erase his tears.

"Let go Rudra I am already missing home " Naina whispered exhausted as she closed her eyes.

While Rudra stood up with her in her arms and carried her to the car. And made her sit inside with him on her side.

" I was also missing home, Naina. But, now I am relieved 'cause it is with me now " Rudra whispered as he glanced lovingly at Naina's face who was sleeping with her head on his lap.

Lovelies my exams are almost over now. But the dread of the result and percentage is eating me. 😭. My physics exam was so tough. God! Hope I get good marks 🌺.

And as I promised. I updated the chapter.
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At last lots of love 🌺

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