chapter -twenty

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" You are becoming shameless day by day sigh *" Naina uttered with a blush.

Third person pov

Rudra along with Naina entered the hospital with a bodyguard on their side.

" This way," Rudra said as he guided her inside the room with his hand on her back.

" Oh! Mr Rudra how are you? " Jay said with a taunt.

" Mr Jay. I am with my wife so of course I will be well " Rudra played along.

" Hey! I am angry at you " Jay utter furious.

" So what " Rudra rebuked

"................ "

" Leave it sigh*, " Jay said distressfully like he aged 10 years in that minute.

" So bhabhi, let's perform some checkup first " he uttered with a smile as some nurse came and started guiding Naina to perform an eye checkup.

Rudra also stood up to go behind them.

" Hey! Where do you think you are going? " Jay raised his eyebrow.

" To see my wife. She would be scared and nervous. So as a husband, I have to be with her " Rudra uttered hurriedly.

" No! You don't have to go there. Only patients are allowed there. So sit here quietly " Jay said while massaging his head.

" Don't you think you are crossing the line these days? Where are you getting the guts from? " Rudra utter with a raised eyebrow.

"OF COURSE FROM MY SWEET BHABHI " Jay uttered while showing Rudra a Tooth smile.


" It made me remember you are married now so do you still remember her? " Jay said with a nervous smile.

" Her ? ... Who? " Rudra questioned


Naina entered the room after some time with the nurses. After that, they waited for reports, and in the meantime, Jay teased or annoyed Rudra as Naina also helped him.

Knock **

" Come In " Jay utter.

" Sir, this is miss report," Nurse said.

" Ok thanks " Jay answered with a smile as the nurse left the room after passing a glance at Rudra.

" Hmmm... Your eye condition is way worse than I thought. It's good that Rudra came for a checkup or you would have become permanently blind in some months" Jay uttered while observing the reports.

Rudra caressed Naina's hand to keep her calm.

" But fortunately it will get cured after surgery " Jay uttered jolly.

" When will the surgery happen? " Rudra asked.

" After 3 weeks maximum " Jay replied seriously.

" Ok, then that's final and anything else " Rudra utter.

" I will give some eye drops which Bhabhi has to use at its given time and specks which she has to wear while going outside not to forget a walking stick to guide her the way so she won't collide with any object " Jay uttered.

" No! I won't use a walking stick... It.. It makes me feel helpless " Naina uttered while Downcasting her eyes.

" You have to use it for a time being bhabhi. Rudra or anybody won't be here for you every day " Jay tried to reason with her.

" But I can easily walk without a stick " She utter

" You can only go without a stick to the area which you are familiar with. What about other area? " Jay uttered with a sigh.

" I know. But I don't want to please I can't... I can't " Naina panicked which also got noticed by Rudra who stood up from his seat and got behind her to caress her back to calm her down.

" But... " Jay uttered which was interrupted by Rudra.

"That's ENOUGH " Rudra roared.

As he placed all his attention on Naina.

" We will come some other day for the checkup. Lets go Naina " He uttered as he carried her toward the car.

At night (in their bedroom)

" Rudra! Are you angry with me? "Naina whispered while lying on a bed.

" Of course not why will I be angry with you? " Rudra uttered while rubbing the towel on his wet hair.

" Cause ' I acted very badly today! It's not me. I don't why I behaved like that " Naina uttered with a frown.

" Don't overthink now. Sleep. You also have to go to college tomorrow " Rudra uttered with a smile as he massaged her frown.

" Really !!!! " Naina uttered surprised and bewildered.

" Hmmm... Even though I am worried for you but that doesn't give me reason to stop you from doing anything. My girl will do everything she wants. Leave the aftermath to me. Like I said before I will always be there for you whenever you need me " Rudra uttered while kissing her forehead.

" Do you guys have any guesses? Who is Rudra's first love or will she show up in the upcoming chapter ?? "

Comment your guesses!!!!

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At last lots of love

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