chapter - fourteen

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" I was also missing home, Naina. But, now I am relieved 'cause it is with me now " Rudra whispered as he glanced lovingly at Naina's face who was sleeping with her head on his lap.

Third person pov

The doctor was doing a checkup on Naina who was lying unconscious on the bed.

Her head and leg are bandaged.

Rudra was also sitting on the end of a bed while interlocking Naina's hand in his.

" How's she? " Rudra finally spoke after being silent the whole time. While constantly looking at Naina.

" Her leg is fractured and have some head injuries. But... " Doctor spoke hesitantly as Rudra's eyes began to turn red and bloodshot as time passed and his words sank in.

" But..... Speak Jay" Rudra uttered firmly while taking deep breaths as he caressed her hand.

" Sigh* I am more worried about her inner injuries than her outer as a patient who goes through this... Faces trauma and distress. Sometimes They also show symptoms of self-harm" Jay told Rudra truthfully.

" I had already told you that something like that DID NOT HAPPEN TO HER so don't make me repeat myself. Even though you are my friend that didn't give you access to make false assumptions about my wife " Rudra roared with gritted teeth as he threw the flower vase beside jay head making him cower in fear.

" I did not mean that Rudra... And you also know it. I meant about the situation. But why are you so hyper today? You almost broke my skull " Jay stammered out word carefully.

"It's just I am exhausted after all this " Rudra murmured

" No, there's something else. I know it as your friend. Even if you don't think of me as one " He said with a sad chuckle.

"It's better to show your emotion sometimes bro," Jay said calmly while looking at him in the eyes.

" I... I am just angry with myself " Rudra stated while playing with Naina's hand.

" Because... Rudra please " Jay utter urging him

" ...... "

Just as Jay lost hope in convincing him to share his burden.

" I think that I am the reason behind her getting hurt. How can I be so careless? Only if I had been more alert. This wouldn't have happened to her.

Even after reaching there, I got blinded by my anger which made me neglect her pain and suffering. I hate it... I almost lost her. What if I was just a second late? I can't image it. I feel like killing myself. I.. I... I can't " Rudra choked on his bottled-up emotions.

" Don't self-blame yourself, friend. You did your best. You gave your all! " Jay said while patting his shoulder for support.

" But she was already so broken. And now this. How will I reassure her? And say that ' I will protect you after all this ' I didn't keep my promise to her " Rudra uttered with moist eyes.

" Yar! If you became weak. Then who will take care of Bhabhi( sister in law) ? Think about her. You gave your all to protect her. Not everything is under our control. World can't work like you want " Jay whispered.

" Who said that ' world can't work the way you want '? I have the power and money to make the highest authority person in the country kneel before me. ' Humans are materialistic creatures. Everything revolves around money and power in this century. But thank you for your support and kind words " Rudra said while walking the way to the door

" Where are you going? " Jay questioned.

" Office some urgent work came. Are you also going to the hospital? " Rudra asked.

"Of course" Jay rebuked.

" Come I will drop you. It's on the way to my office." Rudra said.

" Woah! Do you have a fever? Let me check. Why acting so nice " Jay was utterly surprised.

" .......... " Rudra stared at him with a poker face which clearly state that no more shit.

" Ok ok let go " Jay uttered exhausted after Rudra ordered all the maids of the residence to take care of Naina's every need.
And to inform him if Naina gains consciousness.

Third person pov

Rudra's cars arrived at his vacant penthouse. Rana came from inside the mansion and opened his car door.

Rudra walked outside the car gracefully in his three-piece black suit.

And started walking inside the mansion in big and imposing steps. As guards followed him.

" Where are they? " He questioned

" Sir, in Dungeon " Rana answered.

" Hmm.. Did you serve our guest accordingly? " Rudra asked with clenched teeth as his eye showed his blood thirst.

" Yes sir, we made them taste all the delicacies. We know. " Rana uttered with a straight face.

" Good job, Rana. Just what I want " Rudra said with a crazed look on his face as he opened the dungeon door. Which silenced all the loud noise that was coming before.

Thud *

He walked inside passing all the cells which stench from the disgusting smell of blood and many more.

Many are also locked inside fully dead or half dead only god knows cause their condition speaks a lot of stories.

He walked to the last cell in front of which a black seat was placed. The atmosphere inside was full of solemn. Since Rudra steps inside.

This shows that he is named devil because of his deed . He did stand up to that name for sure.

" So, how are you " Rudra questioned, tilting his head while sitting in front of the cell.

Hello, lovelies.

You know what tmr is my birthday 🥳🥳. So me and my friend made plans for a girl party today at 12. I also asked her mother for permission as her home is quite far away from mine.
Finger crossed. Hope! She agrees ( her mom is quite strict btw).

Vote, comment, and follow me for spoilers.

At last lots of love.🌺❤

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