chapter -Nine

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After stepping into his room, he gently placed Naina's feet back on the ground.

The room was lavish but darkly decorated with black and gold. Unfortunately, Naina could not appreciate the beauty of the room due to her blindness.
To her, it was a never-ending darkness.
He then intertwined their hands guided her gently towards the bed and helped her to sit on the edge of it.

He said to her playfully, "I am going for a quick shower so prepare yourself for our wedding night. Get comfortable with our bed and room."

This made her blush and she quickly hid her face with the bedsheet, which was perfectly laid on the bed.

Everyone in the mansion knows how much of a perfectionist Rudra is. Even a single disruption is enough to make him angry, but with her, an active volcano becomes a still ocean. Quite a sight.

He smirked as he walked into the bathroom, and a few moments later, the sound of running water filled the room.

Whereas Naina is still in a state of dilemma. She sat there working her brain over many situations and started getting more nervous. Just then bathroom door opened and he walked out wearing a loose bathrobe over his big body which is only tight toward his lower area as his whole chest is on display.

His muscular chest and defined eight-pack abbs mixed with strong biceps and manly face make him no less than a Greek god. His wet hair coupled with water droplets dancing on his body make this man a deadly torture for us women.

But naina didn't see such a piece of art.
After seeing her at the same place where he left her.

He said " Are you not feeling uncomfortable "
" Huh? " She questioned tilting her head a little.

He slowly walked toward her while rubbing the towel in his wet jet-black hair. And when he reached in front of her he tossed the towel on the bedside table and moved his hands toward her cheeks gently caressing it.

" Your jewelry looks quite heavy. Let me help you in removing them " He said while moving his hands toward her neck.

Naina pov

As his cold hand touched my neck, a chill ran down my spine and an unknown sensation washed over me, making me feel both nervous and excited at the same time. Moving toward my hair, his hands brushed it to one side and unclipped my necklace, followed by my earrings.
With gentle ease, he removed all of my jewelry.

After that, an uncomfortable silence filled the room which was quite nerve-wracking for me as I could feel his eyes all over me observing me or something.

Just then a knock on the door sounded too loud inside the room. Making me jump a little.

" The food is here I guess," He said as I felt him walking away from me and opening our room door.
I shifted a little in my seat as I heard the sound of the door closing and him walking toward me and putting something beside me.

" Open your mouth," He said in an ordering manner my mouth opened voluntarily.

" Good, that's my girl " He praised as he moved the morsel of food near my mouth and my tongue moved to take it but suddenly I felt a cold skin touch my tongue beside the food which made me Completely stunned.

I was internally so embarrassed but I acted strong in front of him and ate whatever he fed me.

" That's it I am full, " I said reaching my hand to grab his. Which made him stop his deadly action.

"Oh, it's now your turn to feed me," He said directly and made an "aah "Sound like opening his mouth.

* sigh* I followed his wish took the food from the plate and moved it toward his mouth.
I was again stunned when I felt his cold tongue on my finger taking food from it. He even licked it a little.

My patience level was only this high so I said to him " Rudr! Why are you doing this "

" What i am doing? " He replied in a Questioning manner

" Why are you licking my finger," I said getting furious and embarrassed.

" You didn't like it? " He questioned suddenly.

" I... I... " I said and stopped. why i am not able to answer him ofcourse I hate it. Why would I like it?

And before I can say anything he...

Third person pov

After Rudra asked her a question. She became still and started looking here and there. Till then Rudra moved the food plate on the bedside table.

" Now should we start" He said and moved his hand toward her shoulder moving her toward him

" Can I?" He asked which made her very nervous. She didn't answer him for a while. So he was about to move his hand from her shoulder.
Just then he felt her nod a little.

" Are you sure star, " He again asked and she again nodded nervously.

" Okay so be ready to be devoured," He said darkly with lust in his eyes while moving his face toward her red lips.

Thank you 🌺🌺
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