chapter- seven

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After a week

Naina pov

He took care of me during the following week and what amazed me was my fast recovery was possible only because of him.

He handled me like porcelain which is admiring and dreadful at the same time. Cause porcelain is a possession and I am not......

Suddenly I heard a husky voice which is too familiar to me now.

" Doctor said to me that today you will get discharged," He said as he steps toward me

"Oh," I said while rubbing my eyes, ready to take a nap again

" So, wake up star today we are also going to be married. You didn't forget that, right? " He questioned me in his dark voice while moving my hair which was sticking to my face.

" Ummm... of course I remember, " I said while smiling nervously.

" Okay then, I am sending some attendants they will get you ready ok? And don't forget to tell me if you have any inconvenience. " He whispered darkly in my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

" Ye.. ah," I said it's been a week with him here but still I am not able to bear his dark mysterious aura.

Third person pov


" Oh! It's my phone. I am going to pick it and on the way I will send an attendant here so get ready," Rudra said while reaching for his phone in his three-piece navy suits pant pocket and answering it.

Then he turned around and exited the ward.
Just as he exited some women around fifty entered Naina's ward while carrying many clothes and jewelry in their arms. and when they neared her bed, they bowed surprisingly.

" We will get you ready mam," They said in a union.

" Ok," Naina said slowly.

They bathed her and dressed up her in a blood-red bridal lehenga with light but expensive jewelry, light makeup, and hair in a simple bun with some strands of her hair gracing her eternal face.

They made her stand in front of a mirror and said to her " Mam you are looking gorgeous and this lehenga is definitely made for you. Complimenting you while not overshadowing you. Sir have an amazing choice "

" Sir.... You mean Rudr He chooses all of my attire " She said with a shocked expression.

" Not only attire mam. Your jewelry, your makeup everything little thing is chosen by him. "

" Oh," She said blushing.

Just then Rudra entered his room and took a sharp breath while staring at Naina like a beautiful prey that was about to be devoured.

"Stunning as I expected like a star" He whispered under his breath.

This was enough to hear by everyone as the attendant started teasing her and Naina became a blushing mess but Rudra still didn't move his eyes away from her.

" Rudr " She whispered which helped him in waking up from his dream.

"Leave," He said and the attendant exited the ward while he started moving toward her in slow but powerful steps.

"Hm.... Do you know Naina that you are looking like an angel right now my angel? Let me describe you  " He said possessively while moving his shaking hand near her cheeks and caressing it like she would break with little pressure.

" Body built for me to hold, " He said While hugging her possessively

" Slender neck for me to mark " As he moved his fingertip slowly on her neck

" Lips for me to taste " His finger is now gently pressing her lips.

"Perfect nose to breathe with me " he moved his head closer to her face almost touching each other nose.

"Long hair for me hold " he gently grasped her hair in a tight hold

"Eyes that hold my dark soul" He said
He is holding her hand while his forehead is attached to her and both of them are breathing heavily with close eyes. Not a single word is said but they exchanged this feeling and their soul.

Suddenly he lifted her and carried her gently in his strong arms and walked toward the exit of the ward. And then moved below the staircase to leave the hospital.

" Where are we going " Naina asked still in the arms of rudr.

" Home " He said nonchalantly moving ahead without a single word.

Thank you🌺🌺
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