chapter twenty-nine

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" THIS   TIME  NO ONE CAN TAKE MY HAPPINESS AWAY FROM ME " He promised her while gazing at her endlessly .
till the butler knocked the door to tell him about the preparation  being completed.

Naina pov:

i am inside a dark room feeling clouded in the head . i  still can't see anything except darkness . but still the silhouette of someone is on my mind . someone familiar .

" Rudr" i hummed unconsciously .

" Is she getting her memories back .rudra would be so joyous after getting this amazing news !" someone whispered near me .after sometimes i hear another sound
" OPERATION IS SUCCESSFUL " as i slowly started to loose consciousness.

"hmmm" i hummed as i slowly started to gain my consciousness . i can feel a cloth around my eyes .

" bhabhi .let me help you " jay said as he helped me in sitting with a support of a bedstand.  he slowly started unwrapping the cloth around my eyes as i slowly hold my breath in anticipation and nervousness.

" now you can open your eyes slowly " jay announced as i had keep my eyes shut in fear . in fear of seeing the same darkness again .in fear of hurting rudra for nothing .in fear of everything it is like a dark serpent is tightly wrapped around my throat blocking passage of air .

" haha ..." i laughed in joy ,excitement,shock and god know what not .as the first time in so many year i saw color when i blinked . i  was so happy that i end up tearing up .

" I ...." I stood up with a jerk startling jay in the process .

"bhabhi you just had a operation you can't move or you will......" i wasn't able to heard what he said cause the next minute i ran toward the room i was so desperately craving to go ..

to that room of truth .that room which made me question my love , my rudra . that room which made me so heartless to hurt the only person whom i love .

i ran with all my might startling many maids in that process as i sprinted in my white medical gown ,stopped in front of a big black door as butler also came near me along with huffing and tired jay .

" mam,bhabhi " they both scolded.

" give me the keys " i  utter

" what ? " butler questioned seeing me so hyped up .

" I SAID GIVE ME THE KEYS RIGHT NOW " i roared as he jerked and throws his hand in pocket ,drawing a bright silver key. the answer of all these question .

" no  one will enter the door beside me or interrupt me " i warned as they all gulped and nodded. i too by no mean is  sane enough to care about this little things  as i opened the door . i enter it and closed it behind me after switching on the lights .

" finally " i whispered as in front of me stand a big painting covered by a white clothes .

" i believe in you " i whispered as i moved my hands the cloth .which shivers with nervousness of anticipation of something .

"   why ?" i whispered as i stood with shock in front of a huge beautiful painting . as slowly a tear dropped on the floor .

" why ?" i utter as my eyes started teared up with different emotion .

" why ..why .WHY?" i choked with tears as i fall on the floor just like that tear drops after loosing my leg strength .

" why you didn't told me " i yelled with all my might taking out all my frustration .

" if only you had told me this before that ......" i utter as i looked above to see the painting of a girl in red sitting under a tree with a handsome man in black holding a royal aura that person is definitely rudra and that girl in red in no one but me!.

" he loved me why he didn't told me this before . that he is that man . the one who used to meet me under this tree listening to my story .." i cried in despair

" i need to confess my love ..yeah i will without any doubt and misunderstanding except love and adorations for each other  " I utter with joy in my voice as my swelled red eyes brighten up with joy but who would have thought that happiness was as more short lived than that despair .
cause the next second someone knocked in the door  harshly .

" mam " a guard again knocked .

" yes? " i questioned  , wiping my tears slowly after putting a genuine smile on my face .

" .....mam ,sir .." he utter in a grieving voice as i signed him to continue .

" his car was attacked and bombed " he cried out with grieve .as my smile fell with shock replacing it.

" are joking right " i laughed not believing him of course that's not possible my rudra can't die .he can't

" no ,mam ...sir is  NO MORE " he utter keeping his head down .

" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"  i cried out a painful and heart wrenching scream of despair and pain .

enjoy lovelies !

one more chapter and the book will be completed love to see the comments on this chapter .
love to know your thought on this !!!

love you all :)

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