chapter four

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Naina pov

", will we reach's house soon, right?" I asked while stuttering.

"Yes, my sweetie," Mom said to me while gently caressing my hair.

", bow a little," I said.

"Huh? Why?" she asked, doing what I had asked.

"Muah*," I stole a kiss from her cheek and started grinning like I had won a match.

"Hahaha..." My mom started laughing, and soon I joined her.

"Why are you both laughing?" My dad asked, glancing at me from the rearview mirror.

"Naina kissed me," my mom said.

"Naina, you didn't give me a kiss," he said, pretending to be hurt.

" I will give.. e you on.. e too when we reac....." Before I could finish. I heard my mom scream and found myself being totally covered in my mom arms .

" Mumma..." I screamed as I opened my eyes and began to breathe heavily..

"Another nightmare," I thought. Since only darkness greeted me after that incident.

I was lost in thought when suddenly I felt an unfamiliar touch on my hair.
It was as if a big hand was caressing my hair, and the other hand was moving up and down on my back, trying to make me relax. However, I shivered at the touch.

"Wh.. O " I said in my hoarse voice as my throat was dehydrated.

" First drink water, star" A deep, masculine voice whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I heard a sound and felt him move something in front of my face.

"Drink," he said authoritatively.
And my body moved on its own before I could think of anything

"Good girl," He said with a little gentleness in his dark voice as he caressed my hair while I was drinking water.

I feel like I'm delusional. Why would a stranger be kind to me? He sounds like he's someone from a higher position

"So, Naina right," He said as I felt him moving closer to me

"Yes," I said as I backed away until my back touched the headboard of the bed.

"Marry me," he said in a domineering voice that caused butterflies in my stomach.

Thank you 🌺
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