chapter-twenty eight

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" Mam, "the nurse said as she came at that time.
His first love so of course he had forgotten her. It could have been many years since then. I tried to console my heart as I walked to some other room for the checkup.

Next day

everyone woke up early cause of rudra fear. since everyone has guessed till now about rudra bad mood .so no one want to anger him more.
they departed toward airport early to reach their private jet . as naina continued the act of memory loss .
they reached their destination at evening . ofcourse any normal person can get tried after an one or two hours flight but here we are talking about rudra .who almost ran toward the car while dragging naina along him after calling jay and telling him to reach the house for the check up .

he now can't even wait a sec after seeing naina acting toward him like he's a stranger .which hurt him a lot .

jay was also able to feel the emergency in rudra voice that's why he also reached the villa till the time they reach there.

" what happened rudra " jay asked as rudra exited his bedroom after making naina sleep comfortably there.

" naina lost her memory " he answered 

"WHAT?" jay yelled

"shhhhh.....she's resting " he warned

" but how is this possible you went there for the honeymoon . did you went all are strong .so maybe she's tired and angry .that's why bhabhi is pretending about memory loss " jay fantasied

" keep your wild fantasy to yourself jay . don't drag me and naina in it. we went there for a tour and i am not in the mood to listen your bad joke " he utter with annoyed expression.

" ok ,sorry!!" jay said becoming serious .

"  By the way rudra naina eye surgery is tomorrow right?" jay questioned

"yeah! that's one of the reason i am so frustrated .if she doesn't recognise me after getting her eyesight back. then i don't know what i will do . right now atleast she's quite dependent on me "he murmured with a sigh.

"but that's wrong rudra .you can't except her to be dependent on you wholly right. that's too overpowering and toxic " jay reasoned

" you got it all wrong .i meant to say that her lost memory will make her forget me again .i can't .....let her go again" he murmured

"again...?" jay utter confused

"check her first !.her health is more important . my feelings and tension is secondary" he ordered

"ok" jay answered and entered the room to see naina sleeping comfortably in a queen size bed. as rudra stayed near the entrance with a support of the door .

jay did some important check -up .then jaywalked outside after closing the door behind his back.
"how she ?" rudra asked with worry shading his face and moved his hand to smoothen his dishevelled and tangled hair.

" she's fine. and about her memories it will only come on its own . after her eye surgery you need to take her to the places which hold your sweet moment together . this is the only thing you can do"  jay sighed

"aghhhh..." he sighed while rubbing his face tiredly which has aged several years in that moment .

" I......God never let me have my share of happiness . why ? does he always take my happiness away from me .why ?" he growled with eyes which hold dark eye bag under it. which shows his lack of sleep from the past two days .

"  hey ! don't worry i am with you .brother , i will also help bhabhi in gaining her memory back but first you need to fresher up. just see your appearance .if she see you like this after gaining her eyesight then she will never ever want to husband like this and rana told that the enemy are moving " jay utter

"ok ,tell the hospital to start preparing for the surgery .surgery will happen tomorrow . you will take care of that and inform rana to prepare the force. i am coming to deal with those f***ers" rudra ordered
as jay moved outside .

rudra then moved inside the room to freshen up and get ready for the upcoming war with a dangerous glitter in his eyes. he took a gun and put it in his pocket and moved toward naina . as he look at her appearance continuously like worshiping her and engraving her image in his soul .

he slowly and delicately took her hair strand in his big and ruff hands to move it slowly toward his lips to kiss it as delicately as a man move a  expensive porcelain .
he kissed it as sweetly as he could to express his undying love and commitment to her .

" THIS   TIME  NO ONE CAN TAKE MY HAPPINESS AWAY FROM ME " He promised her while gazing at her endlessly .
till the butler knocked the door to tell him about the preparation  being completed.

long time no see lovelies 
only two or three chapter are left before it will be completed .
sob..sob.....thanks for the love!

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