Chapter One - Friends?

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"Esme, where are you running off to now? You know father won't be pleased if he find out about this." A young girl shouted through the forest, as Esme was resting in the large oak tree. It was a bit outside of their camp, which meant danger could be lurking anywhere. Though, Esme has never encountered anything around the Oak tree.

Her lavender eyes gaze up at the blue sky, seeing patches of it course, due to the leaves and tree branches. But it still made a beautiful sight to see.
"Rosie, it's fine. I've been doing this since I was a kid." Esme spoke, as she looked down at the younger girl with mint green hair. "No fooling." Rosie stared at Esme, she always had admired her sister a lot. "Why not join me, little sis?" Esme smiled, holding her hand out. "Um, I think it's I stay down here." Rosie protested, as she looked around the area.
It was strange that nothing dangerous ever lurked around here.

Esme sighed, looking back up at the sky, only to take notice of something strange, along with the sudden movement causing the ground to shake.
"Esme, I think we should go!" Rosie was alert, but Esme was curious. Climbing the tree to the very top, as she wanted a closer look at this strange ship soaring through the sky.
"Esme?! What the hell are you doing?" Rosie cried out as she thought her sisters actions were stupid.

However, she thought differently. The strange like ship soon grew out long tentacles, as Esme watched it reach around to certain places in the forest. With screaming following behind.
"What the-" Esme knitted her brows together, quickly retreating back. However, her eyes locked with Rosies for a small second. Before Esmes world turned dark, with Rosies voice fading with the darkness.

It was for a brief moment, of regaining consciousness again. Esme struggled to look around the place, but she noticed she was stuck in some sort of pod. Examining the inside of the pod for any lever or just something to get her out, but nothing.
Esme did notice there were other pods in the same area as her, at least from what she could make out.

One of the pods were open, with a barely conscious person inside. Esme was confused why their pod was open, only to notice another figure.

A Mind Flayer, standing right before the person. It seemed to be holding some sort of tadpole thing within their hand, slowly watching the Mind Flayer turn around to face the open pod. Watching them approach the person, as they brought the tadpole closer...

Esme felt her stomach twist, watching the tadpole creature dig its way through the persons eye.

Just what in the nine hells is happening here?

The Mind Flayer closes the pod as it moves onto the next one, then the next and eventually reaching Esme. Her eyes watched the pod door lift open, as she locked eyes with the Mind Flayer. She wanted to break free, but it felt like her body was being forced down. Esme couldn't even let out a cry neither.
Instead, she was forced to watch the Mine Flayer grab another tadpole, and slowly bring it towards her eye. Tears slipping down her face, as she really couldn't believe what was happening.

Apart of her, really wished this was some sort of nightmare. However, once she felt the pain from the tadpole clawing it's way behind her eye, thats when she knew it would never be a dream.
Esme slowly felt her world get darker once again. Either the tadpole was the cause of it, or her fear knocked her out.

But what felt like forever, soon wasn't. Esme was conscious again, her mind was foggy of what was happening as she felt her body slowly falling forward. That's when she realized the pod was open, and soon to be kissing the floor if she didn't catch herself in time.
Esme grunted in a low breath as she pushed herself up from the ground. Taking a look around her surroundings, it seemed the ship was attacked when she was out.

Fire blazing everywhere, along with broken pods everywhere.

What happened here?

She couldn't quite figure it out, but hopefully it was some sort of rescue team trying to save them all. Esme fully pushed herself back onto her feet, as she picked up a melee weapon that was laying on the ground. It wasn't much, but at least she would be able to defend herself better from any enemies.

Esme walked around the area as she tried finding other supplies, but who expected she find some company?
A woman went flying over her head, doing a backflip in the air. Surprising Esme as she didn't expect to find others, well she did expect maybe some enemies.
Or maybe this was an enemy?

"Tsk, are you ready to pay with your life?" The woman asked, her skin being a dual green, with markings tattooed on her face. Esme would be lying if she didn't admit how attractive she is. Esme shook the thought off,
"Wait! I'm not your enemy!" Esme tried defending herself, but it didn't seem that was going to work. However, both of their heads begun to shoot sharp pains while also showing strange memories with one another. "What was that?" Esme asked as the pain went away, recalling the memories of the woman in front of her.

She was infected too, just like her.

"It seems we connected our minds together, probably from these disgusting tadpoles the Mind Flayers infected us with." She explained, but Esme was lost at the word Mind Flayers.

"Mind Flayers, I've never heard of them before?" The woman clicked her tongue. "As much as I want to explain what they are, but we should focus on getting out of here and getting these things out of our heads." Esme nodded, that was a fair point. They really didn't have anytime to spare to talk about what was happening right now. Considering the ship was about to crash at any moment.

"Esme, in case you needed to know." She introduced herself as the woman approved. "Lae'zel, now lets get moving. I don't want to be on this ship when it crashes." Esme nodded, as she lead the way with Lae'zel following behind.
Though, they didn't get far when they ran into another duo. A half orc and a brain with legs? Lae'zel had her sword drawn out as she was ready to taste blood. Esme on the other note, held her arm in front of Lae'zel. "Tsk, what are you doing?!" It was clear Lae'el was angry, clearly not wanting more company. Which Esme understood, but there was no need to fight and make more enemies.

"Relax, I don't think they want to hurt us." Esme looked back towards the half orc standing before her. "At least I hope so?" The half orc stared at Esme, then Lae'zel. It was clear she was debating on what to think of them. "Dangerous company you have." She commented while locking eyes with Esme again.
"Does that really matter, considering the situation we're in?" Esme rose a brow, as the half orc nodded in approval. "I don't really care, as long as I can get this disgusting thing out of my head. Assuming you guys are infected too though?" She rose a brow towards them, all three of their heads started to throb again. Flashing memories flow into Lae'zel and Esmes mind. Showing that they all could trust each other, as they all faced a common enemy.

The half orc locked eyes with Esme, yellow eyes clashing with lavender.
"Great, so we all can be a lovely team!" There was sarcasm in the half orcs voice, but she also seemed relieved she wasn't alone on this.
"I'm Spectre, and this brain thing I just came across while trying to find a way out." Lae'zel glared at the brain then to Spectre. "I'm only agreeing to this because we need the help we can get, but after this. Its dead." Lae'zel threaten, as she drew her sword away.

"We need to get to the helm!" The brain yelled at the three, Spectre rolling her shoulders back. "Couldn't agree more with you brain."
Esme begun to question if this brain was truly worth trusting, she only could hope it would prove to be an ally later on their journey.

The four soon sought out another ally, Shadowheart. Making them a larger group to fight off the hoard of enemies to come, as they also had a Mind Flayer strangely help them fight. Spectre was able to reach the controls in time as well, to get them back to the helms. However, the ship was in no good condition to be able to land it. As it still resulted in them crashing, and splitting up once again.

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