Chapter 9: Swim

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Shadowheart sat at the camp, contemplating what they all should do about Astarion and Esme being stuck down the hole, which none of them knew where exactly it had lead to.
There was also the other fear they had to face; What if they're dead?

"I'm sure the feather fall scroll reached Astarion in just the nick of time." Wyll approached Shadowheart, who was leaning forward on the rock she happened to be sitting on. "I hope you're right about that." Her eyes peered up at Wyll, the only one who really had hope that those two were safe. Maybe sustaining some injuries, but Wyll had a strong gut feeling that they were okay.

Gale joined into the small chatter, "I think I may have found where the hole leads to, but it may be a dangerous path to get to." While others were worrying and wondering about the status of their teammates, Gale had took the time and effort in straying off to look for any cave entrances. Recalling the hole having a faint wet cave like smell.
"Did you really find a way?" Shadowheart asked, surprised Gale managed to locate the two so easily. "Well, I can't take full credit. The scroll of finding, helped locate the entrance for me. Now, we just need to make our way there."

Gale wasn't sure if the pair was alive, but it was worth the shot to find them. Perhaps he would also be able to just revive them. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but possible. "Then lets get going." Wyll was determined to find his teammates, as well with Shadowheart, who typically never cared about others, besides herself. Now here she was, on the search for two unfortunate friends getting stuck in a cave together.


Esme was stunned by the sight of huge this pocket of water was. Astarion already haven jumping on over already, with his stupid long legs.
"Darling, we don't have all the time in the world. If you can't jump, then swim." He rested a hand on his hip, staring at her through the waterfall. Esme huffed in response, as she had no choice but to swim across. As she slid into the water, not expecting it to be so deep.
Esme wasn't even able to tell how far this went down.

"You really couldn't have jumped?" He asked, watching her swim over. "I'm just going to ignore you." Astarion chuckled at her, as he waited for her to come over. Though, of course her luck was never good.

Esme felt her entire body tense up, feeling something wrap around her ankle. "Esme, what is it?" He asked with a serious tone, noticing the half-elfs face become pale. "S-something has my foo-" Her words were cut short, as the grip around her ankle, pulled her down into the water.
Struggling to get loose from its grip, but the more Esme struggled. The more oxygen she was using up.

Slowly, Esme felt her body not struggling as much to fight back anymore. Due to the lack of oxygen.

Astarion was freaking out about what to do, as its been such a long time since he ever went swimming. Sighing in pure frustration, as he jumped in after her. Pulling his dagger out to cut the tentacle wrapped around her ankle. Quickly swimming back up to the surface with her, as they both took a big gulp of air. Esme panting as he helped her to get out of the water. " saved me?" Esme spoke between breathes, as she gazed up at the spawn. His wet hair truly made him even more attractive looking than ever. "Of course I would! I need to keep my food supply alive." He joked, wanting to ease the tension.

Though, he noticed her hair was down. "Very funny Astarion...." Esme looked back at the patch of water. She was surprised at how far it went down. "Your hair is very beautiful..." Astarion has never seen Esme ever wear her hair down, so it was nice to see a change. Esme felt her cheeks warm up from his words. "It's just hair..."

Astarion chuckled. "Indeed it is, but it's beautiful darling." He smiled, seeing her cheeks flush even more from the most simplest comments. It's quite adorable to see though, she might be this naive woman that strives to always do good deeds. However, Astarion was growing fond of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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