Chapter Three: The Druid Grove

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The grove, known for its beautiful landscape and advanced medicines taught by Halsin.
This place is called home by many druids and also refugees as well, as Halsin is known to be a very caring soul that strives to help others. No matter what crimes that person may have committed. Though, they say to not take his generosity for granted. Halsin can also be very strict and know when to draw the line.

Shadowheart looked up the tall gate, staring at the guards who were getting ready to open up the gate. They just had defeated off all the goblins that were trying to attack the Grove. "Are we really sure we want to be the good guys? I'm fine with either or, but I do enjoy killing more without having to think about my actions." Astarion commented as Esme glared at him. "Didn't killing the few goblins satisfy you enough?"

Astarion smirked, "Don't be so bitter, what will satisfy me more is something we can discover later." Shadowheart just shook her head at the two. "Is this really necessary?"
Esme didn't understand what Astarion had meant, but it really didn't matter to her. "Oh, but it's absolutely necessary, for Esme." He patted the brunettes shoulder. The height difference between the two really stood out. Esme looked over at Shadowheart who shrugged her shoulders before a man approached them.

They were all too busy to even notice the gate had been waiting open for them to enter, so the Blade of Frontiers came out to greet them.
"Welcome fellow soldiers, it's a great honor to have you fight beside us." He smiled, as he extended his hand out towards Esme, as she accepted it. The male placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand as he smiled. "My names Wyll, I'm not from The Druid Grove. However, I was welcomed to stay here for the time being."

Wyll had a sweet gentle smile that felt warm to look at. Esme smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Wyll. I'm Esme, this is Shadowheart over here and then Astarion." Shadowheart just smiled with a small nod, while Astarion waved. "A pleasure to meet the famous Blade of Frontier." Wyll nodded, but before he could ask any further questions. His head started to throb, along with the others. Their memories flowing through to his mind, as he widened his eyes. "You're infected too?" He sounded almost shocked. "Yes, thats why we seek a healer."

Though none of them were sure if a healer would save them or not, as they barely have any knowledge of the tadpole. Wyll seemed lost in a thought, before he finally spoke.

"Halsin, he has been studying the tadpole for sometime now. He might be able to help, though...." Wyll trailed off, his eyes clearly read that there was something that might be stopping them from possibly meeting Halsin.
Esme rested her right hand on her hip, "Is he stingy on who he helps?" Though, she only has heard people say many great things about Halsin. However, she rather meet a person herself. In order to judge their character herself, before believing what everyone else has to say.

Wyll sighed, his shoulders slumped down. "Unfortunately no one has seen him, besides him being around the Goblins territory. Which I only can assume the worse has happened."
Astarion laughed as he couldn't believe the luck their faced with now. Esme threw a dirty look towards him, before drawing her attention back to Wyll.
"I'll look for him."

"What? Are you seriously going to waste our time helping other peoples problems?" Astarion clearly didn't approve of helping The Grove out. "Mind you, he might be able to help us." Shadowheart explained, as he just sighed. "Fine, we can go play hero if you insist." Wyll smiled at the three, "Will you really help?"
Esme nodded, "Yes."

"Then let me provide my aid, if you only wish so?" Wyll offered his services, as the three instantly agreed to help him. "Alright, then lets go save ourselves a druid." Wyll expressed excitement, clearly he was very use to saving lives and helping others in need.


Spectre stared up at the blue sky, wondering how in the nine hells, she made it out alive. The crash sight was terrifying, how anyone else was able to survive it, would truly amaze her.
"Hey solider, I think we should continue moving before they come back for us." A fiery red tiefling appeared over the half orcs body. Spectre nodded, pushing herself up from the ground. "Karlach, you never told me much about why you're burning up in flames a lot."

Spectre had ended up crossing paths with Karlach when she was trying to escape from the crash site. Instantly both connecting right away.
Though, she didn't sign up to be on a wild goose chase from the Paladins of Tyr. Which Karlach did explain who they really were, they were sent by Zariel to capture Karlach and bring her back to Avernus.

Karlach frown, as she stared at the ground beneath her feet. Spectre stood there, unsure if she really wanted to pry the information out of Karlach, or just wait until she earned her trust...Though why should Spectre care about the Tieflings feelings?
Maybe she had a soft spot for Karlach, though she wasn't even sure why. Karlach wants to do good, and Spectre comes from a criminal background.
"It's okay, you don't need to tell me." Spectre caved into the strange emotion, as Karlach gave a gentle smile. It was clear that Karlach really appreciated that Spectre respected her privacy.

"Thank you, now onto what path we take from here." The pair were standing at a crossroads.
Though they ended up hearing someone shouting for help, which Spectre looked the other way. "I saw we go left."
Karlach glared, "Spectre, lets go help them."

"Fine, but I'm not agreeing to another ally." Karlach shook her head, as they both took the right trail. Only to see a purple symbol glowing on a rock. Spectre looked at Karlach before looking back at the symbol that was calling out for help. "Karlach, we have time to back out still."
"Is someone there? Oh thank the gods."

Spectre slumped her shoulders, too late to leave now. This person already knew they were there. "Who are you?" Karlach asked.
"Maybe we could have a better one-on-one when you help me out of here?"

"And how exactly do we help you?" Spectre crossed her arms over her chest. Watching an arm appear through the portal. "Grab my hand, and just help pull me out of here." Karlach stared at the hand, before grabbing it and pulling the person out of the portal. Which ended up revealing a tall male with brown hair. "Ah, thats much better now. Thank you my friends." Karlach smiled at the male, just being glad she was able to help him from whatever he was stuck in.

"So whats your name?" Spectre was annoyed, she just wanted to get going. "Gale of Waterdeep, and you two?"

"I'm Karlach, and this is Spectre. We're..." Karlach paused for a brief moment, she wondered if this man was also infected or not. Even if he wasn't, would it still be okay to tell others that they were infected? What if everyone that was infected, is being hunted? Gale could sense Karlach was troubled by her own thoughts. "I see you're troubled my friend, but no need to worry. You're both safe with me." As Karlach was about to reply, she felt her tadpole swinging around her head, as it seemed to be connecting with another tadpole, which Gale shared.

"You're infected too?" Spectre arched a brow, as Gale nodded his head. "Unfortunately, that seems to be the case." Though they could feel how this tadpole made Gale feel uneasy about it. "

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