Chapter Four: Trust

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Everything was happening very fast just within a day, though they all still needed to learn to trust each other.

Esme and Shadowheart were already becoming close, leading to trust already. Wyll seemed to already trust them from the first sight of the group. Astarion, he was the hard one to read in the group.
Esme watched him from behind, trying to figure out what kind of person he is. "Your staring is making me wonder if you find him attractive." Shadowheart came up from behind Esme, resulting in a small yelp from being surprised. Wyll and Astarion stopping to look at the girls behind them.
"I-Thats not it. I'm just trying to understand him."

"By staring at his back?" She teased, while Astarion couldn't resist to join the conversation. "Oh, please do tell me whose back you were staring at?" He smirked, loving the idea of getting to mess around with Esme. Shadowheart rested her hand on her hip, "It happens to her yours." She replied for Esme. Astarion smiled as he looked back at Esme, "Darling, you can always see later tonight. Unclothed that is." Esme widened her eyes, cheeks turning red as she had no words for his comment. Only to push between him and Wyll to walk ahead of them.

Astarion chuckled at her reaction, but a bit surprised by it as well. "Astarion, try to not scare anyone else away." Shadowheart walked ahead of them, catching up with Esme.
Wyll stared at Astarion. "I'm just going to guess you both have a special bond?" Astarion laughed at Wylls assumption. "Gods no, we've only just met today."
"Understood, so you're just a natural flirt with everyone then." Wyll didn't disapprove of Astarions actions, but he could now understand what kind of man he is.

"You make it sound like its awful." Astarion pouted, while walking alongside Wyll. "It's not." Wyll only wish he could be open with flirting so easily like Astarion.

Shadowheart side eye Esme, seeing her face still was painted red. "Dare I ask why you're red?" Esme didn't even dare to look at her, "I got caught staring at someone, just embarrassed is all." Though that wasn't the truth, Esme never really knew how to react to flirtatious comments. It always made her feel awkward. Shadowheart could feel that Esme wasn't telling her the truth, but it wasn't her place to pry into the matter.

As the group slowly made their way over a bridge, they came to a stop to notice it was taken out. "Great, now we're going to have to find another way around." Shadowheart sighed.
Wyll on the other hand boldly leaped over the large gap, making it to the other side. "Show off." Shadowheart looked over at Astarion as he followed Wylls lead. "It's not that bad, you guys can make it." Wyll smiled, as Shadowheart sadly wish he wasn't right. As she jumped, she almost lost her footing, but Wyll grabbed her arms just in time.

"Thank you." Wyll nodded with a smile. "Anytime."

Astarion arched a brow at Esme, seeing the hesitation in her eyes. "Aren't you a druid, can't you just turn into nature's favorite animal or something?" He watched her glare at him. "I wish I could, but you see. It's complicated when you need to rest." Shadowheart looked at Astarion, "She has a point, its been a long day for us already."

"Alright alright, just jump already." Astarion could sense her fear, but he wasn't going to call her out on it. Esme stared down from the gap, sweat dripping down the side of her face. She wasn't the best at jumping big distance. "I think I'll find another way around." She tried to hide her fear, but Astarion wasn't going to let it have her. "No, you can make this jump. I'll be here to catch you. Trust me."

Trust, thats something she wasn't sure she could do for him. But he did seem very trustworthy, so why not believe him? Esme knitted her brows together, hating that she had the most stupidest fear.

You can do this, the sassy elf friend of ours will catch us if we mess up.

Esme took a deep breath, as she stepped back to get a running start to make the jump. As she made it over, she let her anxiety kick in. Resulting in her loosing her balance, but Astarion was true to his word.

Trust him.

"See, I told you I would catch you." He smiled, his arm wrapped around her waist. Astarion couldn't help but to quickly push her away, as her scent was too strong for him to handle. "Thank you Astarion." Esme glanced over at the other two who were just watching the whole thing happen. "What?" Esme asked, as Shadowheart shook her head. "Nothing, let's just find a place to set up camp."

"Agreed." Wyll walked aside Shadowheart, as Astarion took his chance to be aside Esme. "Why is it that you such an odd fear?" He asked, wanting to understand her more. "I don't know what you're talking about." She was in denial, which he could tell. "Fine, you can keep denying it. But eventually you have to face your fears sooner than later." Astarion had to, even not letting himself become close to anyone either. Not again.

Esme stared at him, "I'll try to remember that advice." Astarion smiled, despite her naive character. Esme was a very caring person who just wants to do the right things, despite not wanting to do them. However, he understood that. Astarion is very use to not doing any good deeds at all.
"So, where are you from Esme?" Astarion wasn't sure why he wanted to get to know her, but it wouldn't hurt either to just try and have friends for the first time in such a long time, right?

Friends, that word sounded so strange to him. Yet pleasant to hear as well. "Why do you ask?" Her lavender eyes locking with his red orbs. She was truly beautiful, her hair having a tint of red in it. The way her lips reminded him of a cupids bow. "Don't you want to get to know each other more?" He smiled, as she sighed. Astarion made a fair point. She would need to eventually open up to them.

"Forest of Mir, that's where I've been living since a child. I also just found out I'm actually adopted, then after that...I ended up here." She explained, which she hoped she didn't overshare anything. Astarion thought for a moment about the area she had mentioned. "I believe I've visited there a few times. It's pretty, but I prefer my home in Baldurs Gate more." Esme smiled, "I can understand that, the city is filled with many beautiful things."

"Well don't get me wrong, nature is far more beautiful than the city." Astarion was going to ask another question, but Wyll interrupted. "Hey, we have company up ahead."

Esme arched a brow, as she made her way in front of them. "Spectre?!"

Spectre widened her eyes, a bit shocked to be running into Esme. She honestly forgot about Shadowheart, she just mainly remembered Esme. "Esme, you made it out alive? That's good i suppose." Typical response from Spectre, but Esme could tell she was glad. "I'm glad to see you're alive as well though! And you even made two new friends!" Esme smiled as Spectre rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't exactly call them friends." Karlach laughed, "Ah come on, I thought we had something special going on between us?" Spectre gave a blank stare in response.

"Anyways, since Spectre isn't going to introduce us. My names Karlach, and I would shake your hand you can tell I'm burning up." She smiled, as a male approached Esme. "I'm Gale from waterdeep, it's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful face." Gale smiled, which this clearly got Esmes heart to flutter. "Esme..."

Shadowheart smiled at how weak Esme was clearly to men flirting with her. "Shadowheart, and this is Wyll and Astarion."

"Hello; I do really hope we're not having even more people to travel with now." Astarion complained, but obviously no one was going to listen to his complaints. "So where are you guys all off too?" Spectre arched a brow, arms crossed as she wondered where this group was up to. Seeing how they didn't appear to be heading straight to Baldurs Gate.

"We found someone who might know more about the tadpole, and perhaps a cure." Esme wasn't sure how much this Halsin guy knew, but they really didn't have much of an option. They all needed to know more about the tadpole.

Spectre nodded, she really didn't see a problem of joining them on this quest. Seeing how they all have so little information on this tadpole situation. "Alright, I'll join you. It's not like I have any leads. The both of you in as well?" Gale and Karlach both nodded in agreement.

"Great, now I think we all are due for a long rest." Gale smiled, while saying what everyone else was thinking.

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