Chapter Six: Trust him

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Morning soon came around quickly, the sun beaming down on everyone who chose to sleep outside their tents.
Being forced to wake up from the heat on their bodies.
Esme stretched out her arms, letting a yawn escape only to get be startled by Astarion.

"Goodmorning darling, how do you feel?" He stared at her, as Esme stood there in front of him. That devilish smile painted on his face, as she felt oddly drawn to it. "Um, lightheaded." Unsure if it was from the lack of sleep, or her blood being stolen by this mosquito.
"Well, thats not too bad. It'll eventually improve over time, that is if you want to continue our little night time adventures?"
Esme felt her cheeks heat up, unsure of why his flirting always made her feel strange.

Many people have always flirted with her, and shes never felt strange around them. So why was it different with this vampire? "It it means helping you, we can continue."
"Aw, darling you're too kind. Though, I am curious about how the others taste."
Esme arched a brow, crossing her arms. "I don't think they'll be open to the idea of you biting their necks." Astarion laughed, "Of course they wouldn't be, though I'm only curious if their blood tastes as sweet as yours does." Astarion knew from the start, that Esmes scent was already strong enough for any vampire to ignore. And because of it, her blood must have been either sweet or rich in flavor.

In which, her blood was indeed sweet. Nothing like he has ever tasted before in his life. "I- huh?" Esme was confused, which Astarion was going to reply to her confusion, if only they didn't have an audience join them.

"Well, maybe I spoke too soon about the possible pitch forks and torches showing up?" He joked, as the group didn't seem pleased with Astarion.

"I personally don't give a shit, if Esme wants to be your personal blood bag. So be it, just don't come for my beck. Or I will shove a nice pointed stick, in your chest." Spectre threaten him.
"No offense Esme, but can you really trust him? After all, he kept it hidden from us all and waited to feast on one of us while we're all sleeping." Shadowheart expressed her feelings, throwing daggers with her eyes at Astarion. "I trust him, I don't think Astarion means any harm to us." Astarion smiled, not expecting someone to trust him this much to where they defended him.

"All of you may rest assure, there will be no biting any of you."

"Maybe we should get a bell for him, that way I don't wake up to fangs in my neck." Shadowheart suggested, which Gale seemed to like that idea. Though, none of them really seemed to judge Esmes choice in trusting the vampire.

"Great, we're all friends again!" Astarions sassy ass coming out to shine. "I suppose, Esme seems to trust you a lot. So don't break it, or I will drive a beautiful tree branch through you." Spectre threaten the vampire. Esme let out a long sigh, at least it was some sort of effort from everyone to get a long. Despite it not being the way she thought it would play out.

The group slowly dispersed out, getting ready to go over the plan of saving this Halsin guy.
Esme stood beside Spectre, listening into the conversation. "I think we should split up into two groups. Seeing how this place is crawling with Goblins. We don't want to risk taking them all on at once. So maybe we can have one group take the entrance, and the other sneak their way into the building." Wyll suggested, as he had a map drawn out.

"Are we sure we want to just dive into attacking?" Gale questioned Wylls logic, unsure if this really was a good plan or not. Yes, there was enough of them to be able to take them all on. However, they also don't know how many goblins are there.
"Gale has a point, we don't even know what we're going up against yet. I say we just play along with being on their side, and just get all the information we need. If we just attack straight away, they could easily kill Halsin before we can even get to him." Esme pitched in her thoughts, though she didn't really like the idea of playing along. But she also wanted to avoid bloodshed if she could.

Wyll hummed in thought, as he took their opinions in. "You both prove valid points. Then it's settled, we'll play along and get the information we need. Maybe even seek other entails." Everyone else seemed to not mind the plan either. "Alright, let's start heading our ways then." Gale nodded, while Wyll picked up the map to store it into his pack. His eyes slowly drifting towards Esme. "I'm glad our minds think a like." Esme smiled, "I mean, anything to avoid more bloodshed."

"You truly having a caring soul, but don't let that take over. There are times we have to cause bloodshed, as much as it hurts us." Gale shared the same feelings Esme had. Wanting a world where they didn't have to fight constant wars. Though, that would and always forever be a dream.
Esme knew this all too well, but she would never give up on that ideal world. At least she hopes she never will.


Halsin stared at the bars, watching the kids throw pebbles at him. Of course he was in his bear form, so it really didn't hurt much at all, or even phase him. What had his attention more was the new face he shared the cell with.

Her hair was red, thrown up into a bun that was messy from being tormented. Her eyes were heavy from what appears to be from crying. Halsin wanted to attempt to communicate with her, but wanted to stay in his bear form.
She slowly moved her head, wanting to look around the cell for anyone or anything else that was sharing the space with her. Only to lock eyes with a bear, but no fear rose. Just sadness to see a bear being trapped in here.

"You're locked up in here too, huh?" She gave a weak smile, before looking down at the dirty floor. "I wish I had the strength to get us both out of here." She mumbled, but Halsin still heard her words. Though, he could easily break these doors down. However, there was too many goblins for them to fight off.
Halsin could only hope that maybe a rescue team would come for him.

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