Chapter Five: Bloodlust

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The group all managed to find a good spot to set up camp. Everyone having their own little tents pitched up, a small fire pit that was being made by Wyll.

Gale was setting up a protection spell on the camp, just to protect them from any threats that would come. Though, he mentioned its not promised if something does manage to come through.
Shadowheart was sitting at small table, talking to Spectre and Karlach.

The night was really peaceful, and it very pleasant. Despite them all being infected with a tadpole. Otherwise, Esme really would love for this to continue. She glanced over to see Astarion reading a book, despite his sassy nature. He clearly must of been a secret nerd.
"Esme, I went ahead and set of some sleeping bags on the ground by the fire. In case you want to rest now." Wyll pointed out, as he must of had set this up right after starting the fire up.

"Ah, thank you so much Wyll. I think I'll actually sleep now." Esme chuckled, as he nodded. Leaving her be as she went to lay down on one of the bed rolls. Feeling the nice warmth of the fire on her skin.


During the middle of the night, Esme was finding it hard to sleep for some reason. Unsure if it was just not being comfortable sleeping in a situation like this, or maybe because her body was trying to warn her something was wrong.
Esme opened her eyes slowly, to see Astarion was leaning over her before backing off quickly. "What are you doing?!" Esme sat up quickly, a little frightened. "I promise you it's not what it looks like, I just needed...a little blood." That's when Esme noticed his sharp fangs, red eyes that the fire made pop out beautifully.

A vampire, standing right before her. To be truthful, she didn't know any of them existed anymore. She noticed the fear in his eyes, he clearly didn't tell anyone for a good reason. "I promise you can trust me. I wasn't going to hurt you...intentionally."

As much as she didn't want to trust him, her heart told her otherwise. Astarion clearly wasn't trying to hurt her at all, if he really wanted to. He probably would have been able to swiftly do it before she could wake up.
"I...I do trust you." Esme stared into his eyes, seeing him relax. "Really?"

Astarion stood there, wondering how much she could trust him. "Perhaps you could maybe trust me a little bit more, with you know. If not, I can make due on animals. It's just not exactly the same, I don't fight as good."
Esme wasn't sure about this, the thought of being bitten by a vampire didn't sound pleasant at all. But, this would help him perform better too. And what if his hunger for blood gets worse and he tries attacking someone later on.

"Alright...I'll trust you, but not a single drop more!" Esme glared at him, as he smiled. "Not a drop more, promise. Now, lets make you comfortable." A brow arched, confused why she would need to get comfortable. Astarion could see the confusion she had, "It's just in case you faint, I wouldn't want you getting hurt if you hit your head on something." Though, he honestly wouldn't really care. There's no reason for him to care about anyone else, besides himself.

Instead of questioning him more, Esme decided to just stop stalling and do as he said. Laying back down on the thin bed roll, as she stared up at the night sky. She wondered if maybe this was actually a bad idea, and if it were too late to back out now.
However, those thoughts left no traces behind when her eyes locked with Astarions. His body leaning over her, as she felt a strange feeling within her chest. Her stomach feeling not uneasy, but a strange sensation she's never experienced before.

Astarion slowly leaned in closer, making the space between them become more and more unbearable to handle. Though, any thought of resistance was too late. Esme felt a sharp pain in her neck, a strange sensation of her blood flowing out of her. Eyes starting to become heavier with every drop of blood leaving her, "Astarion-" Her voice called out his name with a shaky breath. With almost not hearing her, he eventually stopped. His fangs pulling out from the flesh, with blood sliding down her neck as Astarion stood up.

Esme felt her head spin as she attempted to sit up. "My apologies, I may have went a little too far. It's not that I didn't head your warning, I just haven't drank blood from someone in a long time." Was he actually sorry for taking those extra drops she warned him not to take.
Though, she wasn't going to throw a fit over it. Despite her threat, he didn't drink all her blood. "I just hope it was enough to replenish your hunger."

"Unfortunately, it just helped a little bit. But don't worry, I'm going to go hunt on some animals. You can rest assure that there will be no more biting, unless with your consent of course." Astarion smiled, his eyes flicking back to her neck as he knelt back down. Esme flinched slightly from him wiping the blood away with a handkerchief he had stored in his pocket.
Esme took this chance to admire his features up close, his eyes were very piercing. Astarion pulled his hand away, as his eyes met with hers. "Is something the matter dear?" A brow arched, wondering what this half eleven was in tranced with.

"Oh- Um it's nothing. Good luck with your hunt." Esme quickly turn her back towards him while rolling to her side. Staring at the world side ways.

Why does my heart throb right now?

Astarion felt confusion take over, before letting it fade away quickly. As he went to go focus on finding more to feast on for tonight. After all, he's going to need more blood if he was going to continue to fight.

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