Chapter Seven: Bonding

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Esme let out a small yawn, as she stared off at the goblins guarding an entrance to where their hideout must be located at. Though; obviously it was located here. Seeing how Wyll have his map pulled right out in front of them all. Her eyes scanning over the whole map, as her thoughts ran straight to where Lae'zel might be. She was saddened they haven't found her yet, but she only can hope Lae'zel was handling herself okay.

Astarion though, glanced over at Esme. Not realizing how short she was until now. Her head reaching up to his shoulder, so she must of been 5'0" feet or at least around those digits. "I'm not of what move to make..." Wyll distracted Astarion from his long starring at the woman beside him. "I say, lets go bloody hurt them all!" Astarion pitched in his suggestion, knowing very well that none of them will accept that.
"That's a terrible idea." Wyll glared at the elf, who just smiled in response. "I don't suppose you have any better ideas?" Astarion was picking at what strings could get this mans blood boiling.

"Maybe we just try talking our way in?" Esme suggested, starring at the goblins laughing away at something stupid they discussed amongst each other. "Not everyone is going to cozy up the way you do, Esme." Astarion frowned at the brunette, seeing her snap her head towards him. "I do not cozy up to everyone!" Astarion gave a smug expression, his arms crossed. "Well, I've yet to see you lie, steal, deceive, and sneak into things. Let alone, even kill without mercy." Esme was ready to talk back, but sighed. He was sadly telling the truth.

"Well, I on the other hand. I admire people like you." Wyll chimed in, cheering Esme up. "Oh gods, I think I'm going to be sick." Astarion walked away. "Thanks Wyll, but Astarion is right."

"He's not. Esme, continue the path you want to make for yourself. So what if people disapprove of your decision to always do right." Wyll smiled, as he patted her shoulder.
Esme stared into his eyes, seeing he means every single word.
Esme watched the three make their way down the hill from where they were watching the Goblins. Smiling at the thought of them all having a strange bond slowly forming.

Esme was ready to take a step forward, only to stumble when the tadpole in her head started to go crazy. As if it was trying to find a way to communicate with her. It was strangely being odd, as if it were trying to tell her to take the path on the left.
Though, choosing not to would be wise. Unsure of what the tadpole was even capable of. For all Esme knows, it could be leading her to a trap if she were to follow it.

"Esme, are you coming?" Her lavender eyes pealed away from the path, staring over at the trio who seemed to not have their tadpoles act strangely for them. "Uh-yeah!" Brushing it off her shoulders, as she would ask about it later on. Though, it did leave a cold chill down her spine.


"Oi! I said to not put it there you idiot!" One of the goblins at the gate was clearly furious at another goblin, who was struggling moving a barrel around the corner. The goblin in charge slowly looked infront of him to see the group of strangers approaching. "Piss off! We don't want uninvited visitors!" Wyll rolled his eyes, "Is that anyway to treat the chosen ones?"

"Chosen one? Ha-hahaha! If you're the chosen one, then prove it." Wyll lowered his brows, unsure of how to even prove it.

Esme thought for a moment, maybe this tadpole could be useful in this situation. She walked from behind Wyll, resting her hand on his shoulder, assuring him she could take it from here. "Are you certain?" He asked, as the half-elf nodded in response. Staring down at the goblin, as she attempted to connect her tadpole with theirs.

None of them knew anything about this tadpole, besides it being able to turn them into mind flayers. But, wouldn't they already have turned by now? How come none of them have fallen under the absolutes control?
Esme felt her tadpole connect with the goblin, which she didn't expect to happen.
Now why not push it a little further to show fake memories of her and the others being true souls.

However, it seemed that the tadpole wasn't able to hold onto the connection. Watching the goblins tadpole slip away. "Huh, so you bunch are true souls huh? Then why not put on some war paint, to match the rest of us." A smug looked formed on his face, clear to say he didn't actually believe them.

"War paint?" Shadowheart rose a brow, wondering what this Goblin was up to exactly. "Yes-war paint is what all of us true souls wear to recognize each other. Which is this stuff piled up right here." His voice clearly wasn't hiding his snickers, as his hand pointed down at a pile of what looks to be manure.
Esme stared at it, drawing a fine line of when how far is too far. When it comes to trying to make the enemy trust you.

Unfortunately, she wasn't going to let herself be made into a fool. Esme gave a fake smile, as she knelt down-reaching her hand into the manure as the goblins could hold back their laughter. Esme slowly stood up, eyes glaring at the goblin as her hand flicked the manure at his face.

"HA! Wasn't expecting that from you!" Astarion laughed, as so did Wyll and Shadowheart being fairly amused by Esmes choice of action. "WHY-WHAT THE HELLS!" The goblin had tried to wipe off the manure, but it only made it worse as the manure was now all smudged over his face.

"Apologies, I just thought you needed a touch up." Esme smirked, showing her sarcastic charm. The goblin glared, "I'll make you pay for that! Attack!" He ordered, as he was ready to swipe his dagger towards her but Astarion pulled her backwards, to avoid the melee attack.
"Thank you." He nodded, while drawing out his bow.

Wyll drew out his sword, "Well, lets make this quick everyone!"

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