back to work

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-y/n pov-

Sadly mine and Demis vacation has ended, it was the best time of my life from the beach to the room to just being with demi.

We were now getting ready to travel for Raw,i was checking to make sure i had everything when my phone pinged and i saw a message from Rhea "we are in the same room why you texting me" i asked and she smiled "just look at it" i roll my eyes and open it to see a picture of a house "a house?" I ask her and she smiles and nods "i thought i know we have been together long but its just i love you and"i cut her off and smile "i would love to baby".

She walkes over to me and picks me up wrapping my legs around her, my hands play with the bottom of her hair as i look into her eyes both of is smiling "Love you" she says in a quite tone "love you too" i smile my lips meet hers for a soft kiss.

My hand cupped her cheek her hands moved to my waist as we walked into the kitchen she placed me down on the side my back resting against the cubord, her hand snaked under my shirt playing with my bra.

Our lips parted our eyes locked "trust me?" I nodded my eyes drifting to her lips I saw them lift into a smile "words doll" her hand lifted my chin my eyes back to looking at her beautiful eyes "yes" my voice was like a whisper as i looked at her.

Her face came closer our lips locking again her hands as took my shirt off and made her way to my panties her lips left me trailing down to my breasts her lips sucked on the skin between my breasts her free hand massaged one of them.

She pulls away smirking at the dark mark she made, her tongue came down licking the spot her tongue piercing cooling my warm skin down my eyes fluttered shut as she did it again, this time with more tongue as she swirled her saliva around my skin, her nails gently dragged down my stomach her fingers slowly pulled my leggings down revealing my light purple lace panties her nails gently dragged down my clit making me squirm on the counter she smirks at me kissing just below my belly button.

Her hands with her manicured hands held my thighs as her face went closer to my clit i felt her tongue lick a strip through me i let out a satisfied moan my hands went to her hair.

She came back up eyes looking at me then my lips she didn't make a move so i crashed my lips on hers.

Her tongue slipped inside me making my eyes roll to the back of my head, our passion got hungrier as the kiss grew more sloppy, our tongues slipping and sliding against each other as she pins me closer to the cubord behind me.

Her hands still resting on my thighs making my skin tingle as they snake up to my panties, our breaths grew heavier as our tongues fought still she sucks on my tongue making me let out a moan "taste so good baby" she smirked out lips crashing back together "cant get enough of the taste of you" she said with her accent strong, we shared another sloppy kiss as our passion for each other grew by each second.

Her finger tips toyed with me making me whined "so wet for me baby girl" she smiled the pads of the finger tips rubbed circles, my moans accident got louder as her fingers stayed with mouth sucked on my neck licking a long strip up my neck kissing along  the wet patch of skin.

Her fingers were soon replaced by her face she smirked looking my mess she made "Rhea..." I whined her soft lips kissed around my folds making her squirm on the counter she abruptly opened them with her tongue flattened between them.

I moaned as she slowly licked me again, she let out a low chuckle i felt her vibrate against me watching me arch my back my head on the cubord "Rhea i am close" i say in almost a whisper "come on baby..cum on mami's tongue" her words sent me over the edge her tongue keeped licking me as my orgasm crashed down "taste so good doll" i took a moment before looking into Rheas eyes "let me please you baby" i smile looking at her and she smiles back "not yet princess lets clean up and get to the arena my little nurse" she got a cloth and washed up and cleaned the side before she helped me down giving me a gentle kiss as well put our bags in the car.

(So sorry for this i needed an update to get them back work and this is the end product)

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