Her Nurse

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-Y/n pov-

I was sat in my little office once again doing my health rounds on the wrestlers, today was a slow day time was dragging alone amd i didn't have many patients.

I was sitting on my chair by my computer scrolling on Instagram when my door opened, i looked up to see a man "hello?" I say not recognising the face. He shut the door and turned to face me "come on baby you have to remember me" he smirked as i looked at him remembering my lips parted as i stood in shock "Blake..." I say him being the last person i wanted to see.

"Get out." I say on a stern voice "i don't know how you got here but i want you gone" not many people knew about Blake but ones who did hated him many of which are in this building.

"Come on baby" he slowly walked over to me i stood there watching his moves, my skin felt tight as i remembered him. I remember the first time he hit me all those years ago "i am not you baby" i say wanting to stand my ground "aw come now y/n you have made such a name for yourself" he ugly smirk stayed on his face "and i see your dating a girl now, cousin get any better dick then mine huh?" His face just looked evil mine was disgusted by his words "you have no right to walk into my life, my future and present doesn't concern you" i say looking up at him with anger in my eyes "i see you have quite the mouth on you now" he raises his eyebrow at me "no i just have a partner who makes me feel safe" i say feeling confident with Demi something Blake took away from me.

I watched him walk to the door his hand grazed the handle before he walked to me his hand lifted my chin up and his chapped lips placed a kiss on my cheek, without thinking i slapped him hard on the face i gasped and stepped back fear still on me knowing what this man can do "you'll regret that baby trust me" he smiled at me one last time before leaving giving me a taunting wave like Rhea does.

I stood in the middle of the room in shock, he know where i am i thought am i safe? Questions races my mind when my door opened again this time to a happy and warm face "hey princess" she smiled walking over and pulling me in a warm embrace "you good baby you look like you seen a ghost?" She chuckles pulling away slightly looking at my face "no no i am fine" i say giving her a smile. I knew it was wrong not telling her but what would i say 'hey remember my crazy ex, well yeah he knows where i am and that i am with you we are 70% not safe' i mean are relationship was fresh but we had done things couples for years do i mean she took me on holiday out of the country we got on dates, plus i didn't want Blake to ruin what i got with Rhea.

"If you say so" Demi smiles at me "so how about we go out after this" she says sitting on the table in the room making me stand between her legs "sounds good" i smile at her as she brushes hair out my face "you sure your okay babe" she says a look of concern on her face "yeah i am just long day" i smile at my half lie before placing a kiss to her lips "slow day" she says and i nod placing my head on her chest.

The door opens again "really i haven't been this busy all day but the time i want to be alone" i say under my breath, me and Rhea look up to see Dom and Damian walk in "knew she would be here" Dom as to Damian as the older man rolls his eyes "can i help you" i say turning between Rheas legs as she wraps her arms around me pulling against her "yeah you guys free tonight?" They ask "we were planning on going out" Rhea says "oh okay" Dom says "what did you want?" I ask still curious "we wanted to know if you wanted to go to a theme park" he said and i looked at Rhea with bright eyes who chuckled at me "you want to go we can do dinner tomorrow" i smile at her "you sure?" I ask her "yeah sounds fun" she smiles and kisses my forehead "where is it or want us to follow your car" she asked as her and Damian figure out how to get there "okay so you boys in Damians car and me and Y/n in mine?" She says and they nod "okay well get going then" Rhea says as i walk to my desk getting my bag and packing my medical stuff away.

Rhea waits for me at the door taking my hand as we walk out placing a soft kiss on it. I smile at her but Blake was still in the back if my head as a caution.

His daughter ~ Rhea RipleyWhere stories live. Discover now