Argument resolving - Kenny

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You had been distancing yourself from the beta squad house since you and your boyfriend kenny had a massive argument, literally the biggest one you two have ever had. And you had barely been talking to eachother for the past four days. It was a petty argument but both of us was too stubborn to apologise to eachother so I decided to just go round to the house today. Not even to see Kenny just to go and see the other boys since you were close friends with them too. Plus aj and chunkz had invited to over so.

I knocked on the big door and a few seconds later it opened revealing chunkz and aj.

"Y/n we've missed you!" Aj said as he gave me a long hug and letting me in.

Chunkz then gave me a hug straight after and we walked into the living room where the other boys were. The boys all looked over and most of them jumped up to come and say hi to me and give me a hug. Well everyone except kenny.

"Is there a reason you two aren't talking to each other?" Niko asked as he looked at kenny who was sat on the other side of the sofa.

"He thinks he knows it all so ask kenny" i said as I shrugged my shoulders and Kenny just glared at me before looking away.

"Y/n why haven't you come to see us in like four days?" Chunkz questioned raising an eyebrow.

"I must've been to stubborn to grab the car keys" i shrugged and i knew Kenny was getting annoyed but to be honest I couldn't care less. He knew that it wasn't all my fault because of the argument, he knew it was him too he just wouldn't admit it.

Darkest stood on the table and said "right that's enough you two kiss and make-up! everyone else outside"

"Your both so goddamn stubborn and this is why we have to save the relationship, because if you two break up then love isn't real and I won't bother believing in love anymore!" Sharky said before they all went outside leaving me and kenny in the house on our own.

"We aren't breaking up right?" Kenny whispered seriously putting his phone down.

I just shook my head "of course not but he is right, we do have to sort things out"

"I know and im sorry that I said all those nasty things the other day. I really don't deserve you I love you so much and I hope you forgive me for being so stubborn" he said as he got up and walked towards me before sitting down next to me.

"I'm sorry for having an attitude and being stubborn too, you didn't deserve it and I love you too" i said with a smile.

He leaned down and kissed me before pulling me onto his lap deepening the kiss. It soon turned into a heated makeout session. Neither of us noticed the boys walked back into the room.

"Get a room!" Aj shouted making us quickly break the kiss and I looked over my shoulder to see all of the boys stood there.

"When I said kiss and make-up I didn't mean literally" darkest said shaking his head laughing.

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