My happiness - Kenny

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It was a Saturday morning and I woke up to an empty cold spot next to me.

I let out a small groan and a yawn whilst rubbing my eyes. I wondered where kenny was but then realised that he must've been up with sienna.

Our daughter was the most adorable, energetic, sweetest little girl ever and she was only three years old. She was very smart too she already knew how to walk and she was just learning how to talk. She brought me so much happiness in my life as did my boyfriend kenny. I loved my little family more than anything in the world.

I could hear sienna giggling and kenny laughing making a wide smile form on my face. Kenny was the best dad ever.

I got out of bed and followed the sound of them laughing and giggling into the kitchen where I saw kenny feeding her breakfast. She knew how to eat herself but I know Kenny just loved feeding her so much. Even when she was a baby kenny always wanted to be the one to feed her, I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Sienna was giggling in her high chair as kenny was feeding her yogurt.

"Here comes the aeroplane, zooooooommm" he said as he placed a spoonful of yogurt into her mouth whilst accidentally getting it all over her face. They were so cute.

Sienna then noticed me and a smile formed on her face before saying "mama!" as she made grabby hands to me.

I walked over to them and gave sienna a small kiss on her head.

"goodmorning babe" he said with a smile before giving me a peck on the lips.

"goodmorning baby" i said back smiling.

"mama up!" Sienna said making grabby hands again making me smile.

I grabbed a baby wipe and cleaned the yogurt off of her face and hands as she whined before I picked her up which made her grin.

"did you sleep well?" kenny asked me and I looked up at him and nodded.

"yes I did actually" i said with a smile.

"good you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you" he replied grinning.

I smiled back at him before looking down at sienna. I loved my little family so much. They were truly my happiness.

I'm going to spam a little bit but please give me some ideas!!

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