Its twins - niko

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"Y/n I think I know why your stomach is a lot bigger than the usual pregnancy" the midwife said to me as she did a scan of my stomach.

"What is it? is the baby okay?" i said getting worried.

"your not having just one baby, it's twins sweetheart" she said to me making my face drop.

What? Twins? Is this some sort of joke? I mean I wasn't upset about it all I'm just very surprised. I was more than happy with twins I just can't seem to believe it.

"would you like to see both of the babies?" she asked me and i immediately nodded my head.

"Yes please" I replied straight away.

I looked at the screen to see two little small babies and tears streamed out of my eyes straight away.

My babies.

"oh my god.." i said smiling.

"I'll print out a couple of pictures of both of your babies and if you come back in two weeks I'll have the genders all ready for you" she said as she cleaned the gel off of my stomach.

"Okay thank you so much" i said sitting up.


I sat down on my boyfriend niko's bed nervously not knowing what to do or how to tell him that there were two babies. We were having two babies.

Niko was at the shop getting some snacks for us so I was just waiting with the baby pictures in my hand.

Ten minutes later niko walked into his bedroom closing the door behind him before sitting next to me and showing my what he got from the store.

"Thank you baby" i said before looking up at him.

"babe you haven't told me what happened at the doctors, is everything okay? is our baby okay?" he asked me a little worried.

"yes baby everything's okay..would you like to see the picture of our baby..?" I asked him not mentioning the second baby.

I was going to see if he could figure it out himself since it says 'baby a' and 'baby b' on the photos.

"Yes of course I want to see our baby!" He said before I handed him both pictures.

He stared at them with a huge smile on his face.

"This is our little baby" he said continuing to look at the photos grinning.

I knew he wasn't going to notice the small writing on it so I had to show him.

"Look baby read that" I said pointing at the part where it says 'baby A'

He looked at it and I then pointed at the 'baby B' part of the second photo.

"Baby A and baby B? there's two babies? is that twins or is it the same baby?" he asked confused.

"we're having twins baby" i said with a smile looking at him in excitement.

His face lit up and he said "two babies! really!"

"Yes baby!" I said and he pulled him into a hug before jumping up and dancing around the room making me laugh.

"this is going to be so hard but I'm so glad we're having two i can't wait to hold them both" he said but a huge smile was still on his face.

"me too babe" I said giving him another hug.

Part two?

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