Relationships - max khadar

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before I write this im just saying idc if yall don't like max but ima be putting sum parts of him in this too bc he's funny and in my opinion he's kinda cute. so if you don't like it idc. keep reading thooo lmao

I woke up to my phone ringing making me let out a small groan. I picked up my phone still half asleep and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello..?" I mumbled.

"Hey it's max" he says which made me smile. I didn't know why he said 'it's max' everytime he called me. It was weird but I shrugged it off.

"I don't know why you always say that, I have your number saved" i said letting out a small laugh.

"I know" he said back.

So why does he keep saying it?

"you doing anything today?" he added.

"not really I gotta film a q&a later but that's all" I said back to him.

"oh cool, I can join if u want?" he asked.

He had been on my YouTube all the time. Me and max were very close. I mean it's like we were together but we weren't at the same time. It was quite confusing, we both liked each other but he won't ask me to be his girlfriend because he doesn't do relationships. I think it's stupid. I know it's just his excuse so he can flirt with other girls. We literally did everything that couples did like kiss, cuddle, go on dates and everything but not together.

I hated it. I wanted to be with him but he didn't.

"you still there?" he questioned which made me realise that I had zoned out.

"yeah yeah im still here, you can be in it if you want to" I said back with a small smile on my face.

"Cool I'll come over later" he replies.

"Okay bye" I said before he ended the call.

I was kinda excited tbh.


It was an hour until max said he was coming over so I decided to hop in the shower and get ready. Max said he was coming over at 7pm and it's now 6 so I'll have to be quick.

After the quick shower I changed into just some jeans and a cropped top.

I then did my makeup and hair as how I'd usually do it so that didn't take long

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I then did my makeup and hair as how I'd usually do it so that didn't take long.


I picked my phone up to check who texted and it was max just saying that he was on his way.

Max: omw x

Y/n: okay see ya soon x

Now that I was ready I just had to wait.


I heard the front door open making a small smile form on my face. Yes I gave max a key, the boy practically lived here. He was here every day and stayed over like 4 times a week. Like I said. We do relationship things but we're not together. I heard him walking up the stairs before my bedroom door opened.

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