"Where did he come from"

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"Hey I found something." A Konaha Anbu member says, another member of the anbu appears, "What now you know we have to hurry back, the Hokage will be furious if we're....late." the Anbu says as they look at a young Cloud Village boy holding his right eye, "Hey kid what are you doing here?" The Anbu says, the boy stands up, "My name is Yoshi, I'm from the Cloud Village..I was training when I was knocked out cold, I then woke up behind a bush over there, with this." Yoshi says as he removes his hand from over his right eye exposing a sharingan, "Hey that's....a Sharingan, kid where did you get that from hmm...we're bringing you in for questioning." The Anbu says as he dashes toward Yoshi, "So that's how it's going to be huh, this is what I get for telling the truth." Yoshi says as he summons a Lightning Clone, and the Anbu punches it paralyzing him as Yoshi appears above him, Yoshi summons Lightning Chakra in his right index finger, " Piercing One Fingered Thrust Of Hell." Yoshi says as he dashes downward pointing his index finger at the Anbu, the Anbu senses Chakra from above and attempts to block the attack, Yoshi's index finger crashes into the Anbu's left arm, upon impact the Anbu's arm breaks from the forearm, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!" The Anbu yells as his fellow Anbu dashes toward Yoshi, "I need to find a way to get away from these two...that should work." Yoshi says as he puts his hands together, "SHIKIGAMI DANCE: STORM!" Yoshi yells as he summons paper made of Chakra from his body, the paper scatters into thousands of pieces of paper, the Anbu tries to grab Yoshi, but Yoshi uses another Lightning Clone paralyzing the Anbu, Yoshi zips through the forest as he makes his escape from the Anbu. "More of them, these guys are pesky, no matter, I don't want to kill them, I'm only here for the Hokage, FEATHER ILLUSION JUTSU!" Yoshi yells as he jumps down in the middle of all the Anbu squad summoning a large amount of feathers, the feathers swirl around the area, and a bright light appears before them exploding shining brighter, this blinds them before putting them asleep, Yoshi takes one of the Anbu behind a bush and takes his Anbu gear and face mask, "Time to get in the Leaf Village, oh wait before that." Yoshi thinks to himself as he picks up the ninja, "I've got him." Yoshi says as he releases the jutsu, the Anbu squad wake up to his words and witness him decapitate the ninja, "I'm going to report this to the Hokage, I'll be back." Yoshi says as he leaps to a tree, "They'll probably figure it out soon, I need to hurry up." Yoshi says as he jumps to another tree, Yoshi groans in pain as a black mark begins to make its way around his neck and up to his face, Yoshi's eyes go blank as he passes out, his body on the other hand drops the Anbu he just killed and sees a village in the distance, Yoshi's body makes its way into the village and sees the Hokage's Office from afar, looking around Yoshi wakes up, but has no control of himself, "What's going on, my bodies moving on its own." Yoshi thinks to himself as the mark begins to cover his hands, Yoshi witnesses his body murder multiple Anbu on the way over to the Hokage's Office, "Fuck, what is going on, I killed the last guy back there so I could pass without being followed, but this....its unnecessary." Yoshi thinks to himself, "KILL....THE HOKAGE IS MINE.....MURDER THE HOKAGE......THE HOKAGE WILL DIE TODAY...TSU. KASU UZAMAKI....SHE WILL DIE!" A voice inside of Yoshi's head says as they enter the Hokage's building, Yoshi's body dashes to the Hokage's Office, Yoshi's body busts through the door and sees the Hokage seemingly waiting for him as she rests her head on her hands as her elbows lay on the table, "So, what did you plan to do when you got here, because from what I see you think you can just run in here and kill me." Tsu says as she stands up, Yoshi's body blitzes toward her, a ninja comes up behind Yoshi and tackles him to the ground, "Where do you think you're going." The ninja says as Tsu walks up to Yoshi, "Now if you wouldn't mind telling me your name, that would be much appreciated." Tsu says as she sees the black mark on Yoshi's face, "What is that?" Tsu thinks to herself as the mark begins to glow purple, Yoshi's body begins to expand, "SHOKUBAI MOVE!" Tsu yells as she summons her Karma, Shobukai leaps backwards as Tsu raises her right hand and points her palm at Yoshi and begins to absorb the mark, Tsu absorbs all of the charkra from the mark forcing it to disappear, Tsu looks at Yoshi passed out on the floor, "Where did he come from?" Tsu says as Shobukai shakes his head, "We'll have to figure that out later for now we should wait till he wakes up." Shobukai says

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