"On The Road To Chunin"

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"Yeah the usual." Hotaru says as the shop owner hands her a bag, Hotaru begins to leave as a boy walks past her, "You're cute." The boy says, Hotaru glances at his headband, "Cloud Village Ninja." Hotaru thinks to herself as she turns to him, "Excuse me." Hotaru says as the boy begins to scratch his head, "Oh, don't make me say it again I'm shy." The boy says as Hotaru's guard begins to drop, "Your not shy, shy people don't say stuff that bold." Hotaru says as the boy walks towards her, "I said you're cute, listen I don't mean no harm, my name is Asashi." Asashi says as he extends his right hand out, what neither of them know is that Yoshi has been watching the whole time, as Hotaru begins to extend her hand, a kunai with a paper tag strikes the ground directly between them, Yoshi appears infront of Hotaru and Asashi backs up, "Hotaru I assume you have met our competition at the Chunin Exams." Yoshi says as Hotaru turns to Asashi, "What are you still doing here?" Yoshi asks as Asashi laughs, "Wait, I get it, this is your little girlfriend huh." Asashi says as Hotaru's face begins to redden, "Girlfriend *laughs* she's part of my team, nothing more." Yoshi says as Asashi turns to her, "Oh so you wouldn't mind if I talk to her then." Asashi says as he walks forward, "Yeah I do." Yoshi replies as he walks up to Asashi, Yoshi and Asashi face off as they glare at each other, Diamond walks into the shop and sees Yoshi and Asashi, Diamond darts in-between them, "HOLD IT!" Diamond yells as he slams his palms into both of their chests, Asashi is pushed back and falls landing hard on his butt, Yoshi barely moves standing in the same spot, "Acting tough as if you're strong, I could take you right now and walk away the only one living." Yoshi says as he steps forward walking into Diamond's palm, "Yoshi enough." Diamond says as he raises a kunai to Yoshi's neck, "Calm down." Diamond says as he drops the kunai, "Who is this guy anyway?" Diamond asks, "His name is Asashi, we will fight against him in the Chunin Exams, so for now he is an enemy." Yoshi replies, "Oh, I understand now, well if that's the case we should wait till then right." Diamond says as he looks at Yoshi, Yoshi sighs and turns around as him Diamond and Hotaru leave the shop, "So that gets him mad, I know how to get in his head now." Asashi thinks to himself as he walks up to the shop owner.

Meanwhile at Yamanaka Flowers.

"Oh Kentaro, don't these look lovely?" Moe asks she runs her finger through some flowers, "Yes miss." Kentaro says, "I hate leaving the village with this woman, she honestly does too much, first we ruin the meeting and now she's annoying both me and the owners of this shop." Kentaro thinks to himself as Mada walks from behind the counter, "Excuse me ma'am, but if you're not going to buy any of those flowers, you shouldn't be touching them." Mada says as Moe turns to him, "And who might you be?" Moe asks with a grin, "The owner of the store." Mada replies as Moe begins to open her mouth "And I am." Moe says as Mada cuts her off, "Are the Tsuchikage, anything I don't know." Mada says as Moe scoffs, "How rude, I demand your name, I'll have you reported to the Hokage, the disrespect to cut off a Kage you will be taught respect." Moe says as Kentaro walks over, "My apologies sir." Kentaro says, "No, I apologize...that you have to deal with Moe here, and as for you my name is Mada, Mada Yamanaka, and I'm pretty sure Tsu could care less about this, y'all aren't on good terms right now, isn't that right." Mada says as Moe looks at him confused, "What are you talking about?" Moe asks, "This morning, I guarded the Hokage's Office and things got spicy during the meeting right, I bet you don't like Tsu right now, so go ahead complain, just don't touch my flowers if you're not going to buy them." Mada says as Moe turns away, "These flowers smell foul anyways, let's go Kentaro." Moe says, "My apologies." Kentaro says before leaving with Moe, "Tch, the nerve, I never liked that woman." Mada says as he walks into a door.

Meanwhile Shobukai meets up with the Kazekage.

"Yoshi has grown a lot, but hasn't changed at all, I remember him appearing in my office during a meeting demanding to speak to me, come to find out he's only there to see how trustworthy I am after learning about me and Tsu's friendship, and here he is interupting another meeting." The Kazekage says as him and Shobukai laugh, "Where did the twins go?" Shobukai asks, "I had Takara take them back to the village, they really are a handfull I tell ya, one has a temper issue and the other one is too mischievous, I'm too old for this." The Kazekage says, "What are you talking bout you're younger than me." Shobukai says as the Kazekage laughs, "Being Kage will age you, I've been one for a long time." The Kazekage says, "8 year reign." Shobukai says as the Kazekage sighs, "Don't remind me....so what are we gonna do about this game?" The Kazekage asks, "Yoshi's willing to play as expected, but we can stop this if we get to the guy first, I'm pretty sure there are a few who are willing to play more than we are...having difficulty communicating with each other, what happened at the meeting today is evidence to that statement, also." Shobukai says as he throws a kunai at a tree, the kunai cuts through the leaves of the tree and stops, the Mizukage jumps down from the tree, "So you want to stop the game huh, I think it's interesting, I wouldn't want no one to die, but each of these players are soon to be jonin level ninja with elite ninjutsu prowess, great taijutsu abilities, high level genjutsu, and creative ability, they're still children, I think testing their skills is important, but if you need my help, I'll help any way I can." The Mizukage says as he walks forward spinning the kunai on his finger, the Mizukage hands the kunai to Shobukai, "I'll be seeing you guys later, I've got to plan for the Chunin Exams." The Mizukage says as he vanishes, Shobukai sees him appear above the wall before descending behind it, Shobukai and the Kazekage look at each other confused.

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