"On The Road To Chunin"

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"GET BACK HERE, HOW DID YOU BECOME ONE OF US HUH HOW!" Jun'ichi yells as he throws 3 kunai at Yoshi, Yoshi turns around and cuts through all 3 kunai, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Jun'ichi yells as he summons 2 shadow clones, "Well that is new." Yoshi says as the clones teleport next to him, "Teleportation Jutsu, now this I've seen." Yoshi thinks to himself as he extends his arms, one pointing at each clone, "Raiton: Raijōmō no Jutsu, Lightning Style: LIGHTNING NET!" Yoshi yells as he Paralyzes the clones, Yoshi grabs his Hidden Leaf Dagger from his hip and cuts both of their heads off, "Wow." Jun'ichi thinks to himself, "My turn." Yoshi says as he throws 3 shurikens at Jun'ichi, "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu, Fire Release: PHOENIX FLOWER JUTSU!" Yoshi yells as he engulfs the shurikens in fire, the attack makes its way towards Jun'ichi, Jun'ichi jumps to another tree, but the attack begins to follow him, "The hell." Jun'ichi says he summons a Shadow Clone before appearing behind Yoshi, Jun'ichi takes out a kunai and points the end at Yoshi as he slams it downward with his right hand, Yoshi turns around and takes the handle of his dagger and raises it upwards hitting Jun'ichi in his wrist forcing him to drop the kunai, "Okay, let's talk." Yoshi says as he kicks Jun'ichi across the face with his left foot, "You said let the games begin earlier, what did you mean by that, and why are our eyes connected?" Yoshi asks as Jun'ichi gets up, "Oh the Leaf Village is trying to protect you huh, if you don't remember I'll help you understand, me and you are one and the same, this snake man named Mitsuki kidnapped us and gave us the last 3 sets of Uchiha eyes, he sent me to deliver a message to the Mizukage and here I am preparing for the Chunin Exams and I run into you, the one who delivered a message to the Hokage, the message I had told the Mizukage of a game involving 6 competitors armed with a sharingan, it's funny though, I used to be apart of the Leaf Village, interesting how things turned out, and our eyes are from the same person." Jun'ichi says as Yoshi walks up to him, "So what do we do with these Sharingans, the eyes of the Uchiha?" Yoshi asks, "We fight, for each others eyes until we have a full set, without two Sharingans you can't use the full range of it, so if you won't mind, YOU SHOULD GIVE ME THAT EYE!" Jun'ichi yells as he dashes toward Yoshi, Yoshi steps to left before launching a right knee at Jun'ichi, Jun'ichi's left eye sees the knee and he begins to back out of the knees range, Yoshi then extends his leg as he kicks Jun'ichi in his face with his right foot, "For someone who doesn't know anything, you seem to know how the Sharingan works." Jun'ichi says as he stands back up, "I only know of what my eye can do and if ours are the same, that means i know everything about your eye." Yoshi replies, "If that's the case." Jun'ichi says as he performs a hand sign, "Kirigakure no Jutsu: HIDDEN MIST JUTSU!" Jun'ichi yells as a great mist befalls on the area making Yoshi incapable of seeing Jun'ichi, Jun'ichi jumps deeper into the mist while summoning 2 shadow clones, Jun'ichi begins to charge up chakra while Yoshi can't see him, Yoshi sighs before taking a seat, Yoshi begins to mediate using his advanced ability to sense chakra use, "Three." Yoshi thinks to himself as he jumps up into the air, "So much mist." Yoshi thinks to himself as he begins to descend, Yoshi lands directly behind Jun'ichi, Yoshi sheaths his dagger before throwing a left hook at Jun'ichi, the punch lands, but Jun'ichi disappears leaving a vloud of smoke, Jun'ichi appears behind Yoshi and stabs him in the back, Yoshi elbows Jun'ichi in the nose before dashing forward, the Jun'ichi he hit disappears leaving a cloud of smoke, "Another clone, so his best aspect is his jutsu, I'm in trouble." Yoshi thinks to himself as he feels his wound, "That kunai went deep, good thing I carry these around, Suiu Jigatame: Green Rain Ground Hold." Yoshi says as he throws 8 kunai towards the ground, the kunais have healing tags attached to them as they stab the ground, the chakra from the healing tags release and begin to heal Yoshi, "I can't get caught off guard like that again." Yoshi thinks to himself as it begins to rain, the rain touches the seals and drains them of there chakra, "The trouble has begun." Yoshi thinks to himself as Jun'ichi uses the Hijutsu: Kirisame, Secret Technique: Mist Rain upon the area, "He won't be expecting this, ." Jun'ichi thinks to himself as he enters into a raindrop, inhabiting the droplet Jun'ichi waits as the rain drop makes its way behind Yoshi, the raindrop lands on the ground sinking into the soil, after a few seconds the raindrops create a puddle of water around Yoshi, Jun'ichi rises from the puddle and takes out a kunai, Yoshi steps forward slowly, Jun'ichi takes this chance to attack as he dashes towards Yoshi, Yoshi ducks as he turns around and throws an uppercut to Jun'ichi's face, this forces Jun'ichi to trip and fall into a large puddle, Yoshi throws a kunai at him, but Jun'ichi merges with the puddle, "So this is how you wanna play it huh." Yoshi says as he waits for Jun'ichi, "He thinks I'm gonna come out and do the same thing, I'm gonna fry him." Jun'ichi thinks to himself.

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