"On the road to Chunin"

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Jun'ichi meets up with his team in the bathroom.

"Did you get anything?" Kaito asks, "Not much, Kentaro is very blunt almost disrespectfully so, Reo is impatient a gun jumper, and Touma seems to be the calmest out of the three, what I will say is Kentaro has a short fuse, he pushed one of the Leaf Village genin into a chair, but the look on his face, he was more than mad and I have a feeling he's going to try and let his rage loose at some point, y'all should watch out, we're gonna take Yoshi's approach so I'll protect the flag, I assume that Kentaro will do the same thing." Jun'ichi says as Hoshi and Kaito nod, Kuraokami walks into the bathroom, "You guys ready?" Kuraokami asks as Jun'ichi nods, they leave the bathroom, Kentaro appears in the corner of the bathroom, "Oh second Mizukage I respect your genius developing jutsu for high level concealment." Kentaro says as he walks out the bathroom watching Kuraokami's squad, "That's the plan huh, he's smart I can't let Reo and Touma defend the flag by themselves, they're a good duo, but if you single them out they aren't that good, I only chose them because they're my friends and because they will actually listen to me." Kentaro thinks to himself as he disappears.

Both teams make their way to the arena, as well as the crowd.

"OUR NEXT TEAMS WILL BE TEAM 1 OF THE HIDDEN MIST VILLAGE AND TEAM 1 OF THE HIDDEN STONE VILLAGE, YOU ALREADY KNOW THE RULES SO GO GRAB A FLAG!" Tsu yells, Jun'ichi takes a kunai out and begins to dig little holes all over the platform, Hoshi and Kaito jump to the middle platform, Jun'ichi opens a large canteen of water and pours water in each hole, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Jun'ichi says as he summons 15 shadow clones, each clone disappears into a different puddle, "Damn, Jun'ichi is so unfair no one's gonna be able to grab the flag if it's protected like that." Hoshi says as he turns to face in front of him, Hoshi and Kaito see Kentaro with his hands pressed together, "Gōremu no Jutsu: GOLEM TECHNIQUE!" Kentaro yells as a he summons a giant golem made of rock, "You were saying?" Kaito asks as Hoshi shrugs his shoulders.

In the crowd a few shinobi grow bitter.

"This is why he thinks he can act all tough and what not huh, I'll admit his chakra pool is impressive, but acting like your better than us, you're not special cause of that Sharingan." Inokku says, Yoshi sitting in the crowd overhears Inokku talking with him and his sisters teams and walks over, "Who are y'all talking about?" Yoshi asks as Inokku points at Kentaro, "I don't know his name, but he's been acting tough telling people their not important, and to be completely honest he's in over his head." Inokku says, "If I'm being honest if I were him, I'd say none of you are important either." Yoshi says as both teams stand up, Inokku walks up to Yoshi, "What did you say?" Innoku asks, Hotaru and Diamond walk up the stairs to the stands carrying a large bowl of popcorn and see Yoshi surrounded by 6 shinobi, "I said he's right, y'all aren't important....now don't take this the wrong way, but I'd say out of everyone competing in the Chunin Exams the strongest teams are the ones with a Sharingan, Jun'ichi, Asashi, Kentaro, the Tengu and myself included, if you manage to be matched up with any of these teams consecutively, you will each have a low score, instead of getting mad I'd try and figure out why he's so confident, what does he have that you don't." Yoshi says as Inokku attempts to grab Yoshi with his left hand, Diamond sees this and begins to put down the bowl of popcorn, before he can though Yoshi grabs Inokku's left wrist pulling it forward, this forces Inokku to step forward to maintain balance, but before he can step with his right leg Yoshi sweeps his left foot forcing Inokku to take a knee, Diamond and Hotaru walk over as Yoshi looks down at Inokku, "I told you, Kentaro is right, I'll leave you alone though, me and Mada are good friends I don't need to sever that because his son is filled with pride." Yoshi says as he looks up and sees Hotaru and Diamond, "I see you made some friends." Diamond says as Yoshi let's go of Inokku, "How do you know my father?" Inokku asks as he gets up rubbing his wrist, "Simple...me and your father were part of the same Anbu division, does this look familiar?" Yoshi asks as he opens up a scroll with a summoning seal on it, Yoshi places the scroll on the floor and summons all of his past anbu masks, "There's not a division I missed." Yoshi says as everyone looks at the masks in shock, "Woah, the Cat Division, Hotaru isn't that the division your dad was in?" Diamond asks, "Yeah, my mom was also in the Frog Division, Yoshi how did you manage this in such a short time?" Hotaru asks as Yoshi shakes his head, "That's a private matter, WHAT WE ALL SHOULD BE FOCUSING ON IS THAT!" Yoshi yells as he points to the Arena, Inokku begins to turn around, but the ground begins to shake, Inokku almost loses balance as he turns around to see Hoshi's hand surrounded by a fist made of ice punching the giant hand of the Golem Kentaro summoned sending a shockwave throughout the Konoha Dome, Inokku's eyes widen as he is amazed by the strength shown, "Y'all should avoid us at all cost, I wouldn't want my fellow Leaf shinobi to be snubbed of Chunin status because of unfair disparities." Yoshi says as him and his Team walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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