"On the road to Chunin"

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Team 1 of both the Leaf and Cloud enter the center of the dome met by a tropical stage, the bottom of the stage is filled with water and the base of the stage is separated into 5 platforms leaving multiple gaps to fall off and into the water.

Yoshi sits down in front of the flag and criss-crosses his legs, "We'll play rock paper scissors, if I raise rock that means play neutral don't rush, if I raise paper I want you to rush, if I raise scissors I want you to retreat to that middle platform." Yoshi says as Hotaru and Diamond nod, Asashi watches from the distance, "He's sitting, he's lucky I have to defend the flag." Asashi thinks to himself and he stands at the front of the platform and in front of the flag, "ALRIGHT THE FIRST TO GRAB TWO FLAGS BEFORE THE 10 MINUTE MARK WINS 500 POINTS FOR EACH MEMBER ON THEIR TEAM, KNOCKING SOMEONE OFF A PLATFORM AND INTO THE WATER WILL GIVE YOU 150 POINTS, IF YOU ARE KNOCKED OFF THE PLATFORM YOU WILL BE SUBJECTED TO A 20 SECOND PENALTY, TAKING THE FLAG FROM ITS POST IS 100 POINTS AND SO IS RETRIEVING IT, SUCCESSFULLY BRINGING THE FLAG TO YOUR TEAMS FLAG WILL GIVE THAT INDIVIDUAL 200 POINTS, ALL WEAPONS AND NINJA TOOLS ARE PERMITTED...NOW GO GRAB A FLAG!" Tsu yells as a firework is shot in the air, Diamond and Hotaru dash forward as they make their way to the middle platform, before jumping to the middle platform Hotaru drops a large healing kikaichū beetle from her backpack on the ground, Denjiro and Raimu move to the middle platform, Diamond and Hotaru look at each other before nodding, Hotaru activates her Byakugan and Diamond running in front of her jumps in the air, Hotaru presses her right hand on the bottom of Diamond's shoes and pushes forward propelling Diamond, Diamond advances past Denjiro and Raimu, "Oh really, this is a much better plan, YES COME FIGHT ME LET'S SEE WHAT YOUR MADE OF!" Asashi yells, "I don't know why he thinks I'm just gonna fight him he's standing next to the flag." Diamond thinks to himself as he lands in front of Asashi, "LIGHTNING RELEASE: LARIAT!" Asashi yells as he swings his whole arm now draped in lightning at Diamond, Diamond ducks underneath it and lands on all fours, Asashi tries again, but Diamond rolls to the right, as he rolls he attaches a wire to Asashi's shoe, Diamond rolls forward before jumping in the air, this sends Asashi flying upwards, Diamond lets go of the wire and leaves asashi in the air, "YOU SNEAKY BASTARD!" Asashi yells as he sees Diamond begin to pull the flag from its pole, "NOT SO FAST!" Asashi yells as he stomps with his right foot, Asashi uses his flame release to summon fire from underneath the platform, the rising flames appear behind Diamond who turns around quickly, Diamond backflips away, "So he can just throw chakra around, that's some chakra pool he has." Diamond thinks to himself as he pulls out a scroll, Denjiro and Raimu fight with Hotaru, but haven't moved since Diamond passed, "I don't know which one of us should go for the flag, with that Byakugan she sees everything." Denjiro says as Raimu looks across and sees Yoshi  pull out a bowl from behind him, "What is he doing." Raimu says as Yoshi takes the cover off the bowl and begins to eat his beef katsu, a vein bulges across Raimu's forehead, Raimu dashes and sparks fly underneath his feet, a laser like source of chakra forms and boost his speed as he passes Hotaru who couldn't react at all, "So fast, I can't move now I must stop him from passing me now, Yoshi should be good with the flag." Hotaru thinks to herself as she dashes toward Denjiro, Denjiro throws a left roundhouse, Hotaru ducks underneath the kick, Hotaru grabs the back of Denjiro's right ankle and lifts him off his feet, Denjiro falls on his neck with his legs in the air, Hotaru points both palms at Denjiro, "HAKKE KŪHEKISHŌ: Eight Trigrams Air Wall Palm!" Hotaru yells as she fires condensed air at Denjiro's back, sending him flying backwards over the edge of the platform, Denjiro grabs the edge of the platform, but sees Hotaru above him with her hand engulfed in chakra, Denjiro presses both feet on the rock structure holding up the middle platform and pushes off, Hotaru slams her palm downward missing Denjiro, Denjiro quickly pulls out two kunais and stabs the structure behind him to catch himself, Denjiro let's out a sigh of relief, "I almost gave her points." Denjiro thinks to himself as he jumps to the left platform, Raimu makes his way to Yoshi appearing above him, Raimu descends front flipping, slamming his right heel downward over Yoshi's head, Yoshi's face is forced into his bowl of beef katsu, Raimu spins to the left and lands a right roundhouse kicking Yoshi off the stage, Raimu runs over to the flag as he grabs the flag he feels no floor underneath him. "You have been put under a genjutsu." Yoshi says as Raimu falls in the water, Yoshi continues to finish his beef katsu as he sits directly in front of the real flag, Asashi looks over and sees Raimu in the water, "but how."  Asashi thinks to himself as Diamond runs to the flag, Asashi dashes toward Diamond, but Diamond jumps backwards grabbing Asashi by his shoulders before throwing him on the ground, Diamond turns to the flag and gets an idea, Diamond feels around in his pouch and feels a lightweight wire, Diamond quickly jumps on Asashi hitting him in his face, Asashi instinctively swings with his left hand, Diamond pulls back dodging the attack while simultaneously attaching the lightweight wire to Asashi's gloves, Asashi pushes Diamond off of him and attempts to get on top, Diamond kicks Asashi in his stomach before rolling backwards to his feet, Diamond backflips over the flag pretending to grab it, Asashi quickly dashes forward to Diamond who has placed the other end of the lightweight wire around the flag, Asashi blitzes Diamond throwing a left cross at him, this pushes them behind the flag and the force of Asashi's punch pulls the flag from its pole, Asashi turns around to see the flag on the ground and sees the tiny wire attached to his glove as he pulls the wire from his glove he feels an immense amount of chakra next to him, "SHŌMON: GATE OF PAIN!" DIamond yells as his skin begins to turn red, Asashi reaches for the flag, but in an instant Diamond is standing before him, Diamond takes the flag and leaps to the middle platform. Yoshi raises a open palm and Diamond and Hotaru nods.

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