"On The Road To Chunin"

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"NEHAN SHŌJA NO JUTSU: FEATHER ILLUSION JUTSU!" Yoshi yells as a bright light flashes in Shobukai's face, "That won't work..." Shobukai says as a feather touches his shoulder, Shobukai instantly falls asleep, "Hotaru." Yoshi says as he holds the hand sign, Hotaru runs towards Shobukai and takes the bell, Yoshi releases the Jutsu and Shobukai wakes up to see his daughter holding the bell, "*sighs* so I lost *clears throat* good job, yall go wash up and rest for tomorrow, I'm gonna find us a mission to go on" Shobukai says, "Yes Shobukai sensei." Diamond says as him, Yoshi and Hotaru leave, Yoshi goes for a swim and washes up in a lake, Diamond sprints home, Hotaru takes a little detour to a ramen shop, "I can't believe that went by so quick, Yoshi sure is interesting, such a powerful Genjutsu it put father straight to sleep." Hotaru thinks to herself as she enters the ramen shop, "Ah Hotaru what can i get you today *pauses* *laughs* I'm just joking one umaibo takoyaki stick and shrimp flavored cup noodle...here you go." The shop owner says as Hotaru reaches into her pocket, "No need, it's on the house." The shop owner says, "Okay, thank you see you tomorrow." Hotaru says, Yoshi jumps down from a building close to the ramen shop, Yoshi walks into the ramen shop, "Excuse me sir, can i get an umaibo takoyaki stick and shrimp flavored cup noodle?" Yoshi asks, "Sure thing kid that'll be 700 Ryo." The shop owner says as Yoshi hands him the money, the man hands a bag with Yoshi's items to him, Yoshi leaves and begins to track Hotaru, meanwhile Hotaru makes her way to her house, Yoshi catches up to Hotaru and sees her walk into a house, Yoshi walks up the back side of the house and looks through the window and sees Hotaru enter a room, Yoshi opens the window and climbs into the house, Yoshi walks over to the room where he sees Hotaru take her goggles off over a sink, Yoshi jumps silently onto the ceiling and sees her eyes, "They're blank." Yoshi says, Hotaru turns around quickly while summoning Kikaichū beetles to her hands, Yoshi drops down and walks toward Hotaru, "Yoshi what the hell are you doing here, you have to go before someone sees you." Hotaru says as Yoshi gets closer, Yoshi puts his right index finger to his lips before taking one final step towards Hotaru putting her within arms reach, Yoshi brings his face extremely close to Hotaru's, "You're eyes....they're beautiful." Yoshi says as Hotaru's face begins to get red, Hotaru activates her Byakugan and Yoshi notices her veins around her eyes bursting, "SHUT UP!" Hotaru yells as she grabs Yoshi by his color and slams him on the floor, before landing on the floor Yoshi grabs Hotaru by her collar forcing her to fall on top of him, "Increased physical strength." Yoshi thinks to himself, the door opens and Hotaru's mother enters, "Hotaru are you all right, what was that noise?" Her mother asks, Hotaru with her Byakugan doesn't see Yoshi in the room anymore, "Where did he go." Hotaru thinks to herself, "It's okay mom, I just slipped training was a bit difficult today." Hotaru says, her mother nods before walking back to her room, Hotaru begins to look around and sees Yoshi closing a window, Hotaru runs outside and walks up the front side of the house and sees Yoshi, "Yoshi, what are you doing?" Hotaru asks as Yoshi reaches behind him, Yoshi reveals a umaibo takoyaki stick and shrimp flavored cup noodle, "So this is what you like eating." Yoshi says as he tries to open the umaibo package, "NOOO!" Hotaru yells as she takes the umaibo from Yoshi, "Don't open it like that." Hotaru says as she sits down on the roof, Hotaru taps her left hand on the roof, Yoshi sees this and sits next to her, "Like this." Hotaru says as she slams the bottom of the umaibo on her thigh, this opens the package and exposes half of the umaibo, Hotaru hands the umaibo to Yoshi, as Yoshi reaches for the umaibo Hotaru pulls it back, "Why are you here?" Hotaru says as Yoshi's looks at her confused, "I came to learn more about you." Yoshi says as Hotaru gives him the umaibo, "So you break into my house?" Hotaru replies, "I didn't break anything, you caused more damage to your own house slamming me on the floor." Yoshi says as Hotaru summons a giant Kikaichū beetle, "That's not funny." Hotaru says as Yoshi reaches over and pets the beetle, "What is he..." Hotaru thinks as she notices Yoshi's charkra begin to change, "What are you doing?" Hotaru asks, "Adjusting my Chakra flow so your beetle doesn't attack me." Yoshi says as he bites the umaibo, "Mmmm this umaibo is delicious mmmm." Yoshi says as Hotaru looks at the umaibo, Hotaru reaches in her pocket and pulls out her items from the ramen shop, "Wait a minute....you...YOU WERE FOLLOWING ME!" Hotaru yells, inside the house her mother begins to overhear their conversation, "Byakugan." Hotaru's mother says as she activates her eyes, "Is that a boy." Her mother thinks to herself as she hears a boy say "So your eyes, why do they look like that?", she then hears Hotaru say "My mother's apart of the Hyuga clan, our eyes allow us to see charkra flow and points and give us 360 vision.", She then hears the boy say, "It also increases your physical abilities right....hmmm who would think something so beautiful was so powerful.", "Oh my lord...my daughter has met a boy." Hotaru's mom says as she walks back into her room, "Anyway, I'm going to sleep, see you tomorrow when we go on our mission." Hotaru says as she jumps off the roof and walks into the house, Yoshi jumps off her roof and makes his way outside of the village.

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