"On the road to Chunin

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Diamond and Hotaru rush towards Yoshi who finally finishes his bowl of beef katsu, Asashi looks into the crowd to see a visibly frustrated Fuyuko, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH, Raiton Chakura Mōdo: LIGHTNING STYLE ARMOR!" Asashi yells as he summons Lightning Chakra all around his body, Diamond turns around to see Asashi directly behind, "But I had a two platform lead." Diamond thinks to himself as Asashi intensifies the lightning chakra around his right arm, "Raiton Rariatto: LIGHTNING STYLE LARIAT!" Asashi yells as Yoshi throws a kunai with a piece of paper at Asashi, on the paper is the Flying Raijin Jutsu formula, Yoshi teleports to the right side of Diamond, Yoshi catches Asashi's Lariat with his right hand, Asashi intensifies the Lightning chakra in the Lariat making it bigger, shortly after it begins to get smaller and smaller, "What's going on." Asashi thinks to himself as Yoshi absorbs his lightning chakra, Hotaru and Diamond stare in confusion, Yoshi turns to them, "GO!" Yoshi yells as they turn to there flag, as they rush to the flag Denjiro follows suit, Raimu re-enters the arena and begins to jump from platform to platform, Yoshi and Asashi land on the middle platform, Yoshi still holding onto Asashi's arm throws a left front kick at his chest as he releases him sending Asashi flying across the platform, Diamond brings the flag to their side and sees a big hole behind their flag, Diamond tosses the flag into the hole securing the flag, Hotaru throws a 4 hit palm strike combo, Denjiro evades the first strike and blocks the second, but is quickly hit in the face twice by the last two, Hotaru presses forward and Denjiro jumps over her and reaches for the flag only to see it covered by four mud walls, Diamond walks from behind it grinning, Asashi gets up and dashes at Yoshi, Asashi throws a jumping right roundhouse at Yoshi's head, Yoshi slides underneath the attack as he gets closer to Asashi's flag, Yoshi quickly throws a kunai with a paper attached to it in Asashi's direction, Asashi just barely dodges the kunai as it makes a light cut across his left cheek, the kunai travels all the way over to the mud wall around the flag, "Hey you up for a wager...you can have Hotaru if you beat me in a race as you can see our teams are unprotected, first to grab a flag and get back to the other side wins...deal." Yoshi says as Asashi replies by running in Diamond and Hotaru's direction, Asashi and Yoshi both use Raiton Chakura Mōdo: LIGHTNING STYLE ARMOR and instantly make it to both ends, however Yoshi pulls out the new flag first and before Asashi can even punch a hole through the mud wall, Yoshi appears directly in front of him holding Asashi's flag, Yoshi runs behind his teams flag and places the flag into the hole, "WE HAVE OUR WINNERS, TEAM 1 OF THE HIDDEN LEAF HAS WON THE FLAG BATTLE, FINAL SCORE FOR EACH SHINOBI, HOTARU HAS 500 POINTS, DIAMOND HAS 700 POINTS AND Yoshi HAS 850 POINTS, TEAM 1 OF THE HIDDEN CLOUD VILLAGE FINISHES WITH 0, WE WILL RESUME AFTER A 10 MIN INTERMISSION." Tsu yells as Yoshi walks over to Asashi who has fallen to his knees, "Look at that I won...again." Yoshi says as him, Hotaru and Diamond leave the arena, Denjiro and Raimu walk over to Asashi with their heads down, "We're sorry for our uselessness Asashi." They both say as Asashi stands up and looks over where Fuyuko was standing, "She's gone." Asashi thinks to himself as a tear drips down his left cheek, Asashi and his team leave the Arena.

In the crowd Reo and Touma sit with Kentaro.

"Impressive right Kentaro." Touma says as Kentaro sighs, "That wasn't impressive, Yoshi and his team had full control of the situation, Asashi might be smart but he's kinda dumb the other two on his team also share a brain cell, one thought that one on one taijutsu was the best decision when fighting against a Hyuga with Byakugan activated and the other one thought Yoshi's flag was free." Kentaro says as a group of male genin walk over to Kentaro, "Hey, you had a lot to say to my sister huh." A male genin says as Kentaro stands up and turns to him, Kentaro and the boy are the same height, "Who?" Kentaro asks, "Oh so you wanna play smart huh, we'll see you in one of these games better be ready...oh yeah my name is Inokku Yamanaka, I lead the senior Ino-Shika-Cho squad my sister leads the junior squad, don't get too comfortable it'll cost you." Inokku says as Kentaro walks closer to him, "You're not important." Kentaro says as he puts his hands in his pockets, "Reo, Touma let's go." Kentaro says as Reo and Touma get up, "Look at this guy here, HeY yOu HaD a LoT tO sAy To My SiStEr, shut up no one cares." Reo says as Inokku grabs Reo by his collar, Touma quickly gets behind Inokku and holds a kunai to his neck, "I'd let him go." Touma says, "And if I don't." Inokku replies as Kentaro walks over, Kentaro pushes Touma and Reo out the way as he grabs Inokku and forces him into a seat, "I said we were leaving don't interfere." Kentaro says as they leave, Jun'ichi watches from the roof staring down at the situation, "The target is ruthless and carefree, this should be interesting." Jun'ichi thinks to himself as he disappears into a droplet of water falling on the ground.

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