"On The Road To Chunin"

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"Why didn't you tell us before?" Diamond asks as Yoshi begins to shake his head, "Tsu told me not to, so NO word of this to Shobukai, he cannot find out that you both know." Yoshi says as Hotaru and Diamond nod, "We got approximately 2 more hours before the Exams start *STOMACH GROWL*, and I'm so hungry, although I don't want any ramen, y'all wanna walk to my place?" Yoshi asks as Hotaru's face begins to get red, "Oh look at that, you're already bringing her home, yoshi you sly dog." Diamond says as he pokes fun at Hotaru's reaction, "Don't be silly, I hunt sometimes when I'm bored, I have a bunch of food in my fridge." Yoshi says as he begins to walk, Hotaru and Diamond follow as they begin to walk towards the village gate, "I wonder what we should do for this flag battle?" Diamond says, "I mean we don't even know who we'll be going against, we shouldn't worry about it." Hotaru says as Yoshi nods, "Hotaru is right, we shouldn't worry, I by myself will defend the flag, I need y'all two to capture the other flag, that'll be the plan for now." Yoshi says as Diamond shakes his head, "Shouldn't you be at the front taking the flag?" Diamond asks, "Nah, it's best we place the strongest piece close to the flag, I could take their flag all I want, but if I'm preoccupied with doing that, that'll leave you two, short to medium ranged fighters to cover me, doesn't make much sense, plus I'm the only one here with genjutsu abilities and I can control the field with my range, when the flag is taken I'll have less finesse, so I want the man with the best taijutsu in the village to be first, with Hotaru's support beetles, y'all will have spots to heal on the field and with her Byakugan in the center of the field it'll be hard to just get past her, I am a counter measure, I've seen how strong Jun'ichi is, if y'all fought him that day, you both would've died, and I believe that the other Sharingan users are on the same level, but with that being said, Diamond if we face Asashi....he's all yours, see Asashi has powerful ninjutsu, but not so spectacular taijutsu, you can beat him, but be careful he's very durable." Yoshi says as Hotaru and Diamond look at each other, "Why not you?" Hotaru asks as Yoshi shakes his head, "I personally don't think he can get past someone like Diamond, and if he does it's because he took his focus off of Diamond and on to the flag, at that point just let him pass, but I don't think he's that stupid, he knows he can't be the one attacking, because there's always a chance that I go for the flag and he knows that's a free flag if he leaves his teammates there." Yoshi says as he sees Kentaro and other genin standing outside of a book shop, "Oh, hey Yoshi." Kentaro says as Yoshi, Diamond and Hotaru walk over, two male genin stand in front of Kentaro one holding a kunai and the other holding a sword, "Reo, Touma calm down." Kentaro says as Reo drags the blade of his sword on the ground, as he walks towards him Diamond stands in front of Yoshi, "What, you want to fight huh, FINE!" Reo yells as the ground begins to attach itself to Reo's sword as he swings it upward, Diamond slips to the right before dropping to all fours, Kentaro dashes between them as Diamond launches a kick as he springs up, at the same time Reo slams his sword downward, Kentaro catches the kick with his left hand and catches the sword with his right, Kentaro's face changes as he breaks all of the rocks surrounding the sword just by squeezing on it, Diamond rolls backwards and Kentaro turns to him while grabbing Reo by the back of his neck, "We apologize." Kentaro says as he forces Reo's head down so they can both bow, "No worries, listen Kentaro wish you luck in the exam." Yoshi says as he appears in front Kentaro with his hand out, Yoshi notices Kentaro's interesting facial expression as they shake hands, "Somethings off about him right now, that grin is unsettling." Yoshi thinks to himself, "Well I'll let you get back to your book." Yoshi says as he sees a book attached to Kentaro's pants hanging by a thread, the book title reads "Makeout Paradise.", Yoshi laughs inside as he realizes what type of book Kentaro has, "That grin wasn't cause of that book, something is wrong with that kid." Yoshi thinks to himself, Kentaro turns to Reo, Reo takes a step back in great fear as Kentaro looks at him with devious grin, "I already have to deal with that hag coddling and embarrassing me, and here you are adding to the embarrassment, listen YOU RISK US BECOMING CHUNIN, AND IT'LL BE THE FIRST TIME YOU AND THAT SWORD HAVE OPPOSITE OPPONENTS!" Kentaro yells as Reo drops to a knee, "I'm sorry Kentaro, that Yoshi is bigheaded, I just wanted to show him we aren't pushovers, like that one guy from the Cloud Village he was arguing with." Reo says as Kentaro places his hand on his head, "That's fine, just do it during the Exams." Kentaro says as his face goes back to normal, "Oh thank the five kage, he's back to normal, no one can deal with Kentaro when he's like that, he's so scary." Touma thinks to himself.

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