"On The Road To Chunin"

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Yoshi walks past Asashi and side eyes him, Yoshi walks up to Jun'ichi and puts his right hand out, "I never got your name." Yoshi says as Jun'ichi looks at him shocked, Jun'ichi looks up at Kuraokami and he shrugs, "Listen it's best to be allied during this first phase, we both only need one." Yoshi says as he turns to the others, Jun'ichi turns to them as well, "There's 4 more....if I prove to be a useless partner you can just cut ties with me." Yoshi says, "What is he doing, is trying to bait me, he would've killed me if it weren't for Kuraokami, why is he being so docile right now, if I had to guess right now, I'd say he's stronger than all of us, the way he handled that encounter with Asashi shows his strength as well as his confidence in his own abilities, I'll agree for now." Jun'ichi thinks to himself as he shakes Yoshi's hand, "Jun'ichi, and this doesn't mean we are friends, this is business." Jun'ichi says as Yoshi laughs, "Of course, I just had to choose someone strong." Yoshi says as he walks away, underneath Yoshi's mask he is grinning the way a mass murderer would, "It only makes sense I choose Jun'ichi, he might be tough, but I would've killed him back yesterday and he knows that, such a fight establishes dominance, he knows I'm better, but these other 4 they don't have a clue, this all works to my benefit, Asashi doesn't know nothing of war, still needing the approval of the Raikage and being incapable of responding calmly in a difficult situation, the twins from the Hidden Sand Village, they might be the most difficult ones for me to fight, numbers, Jutsu I'm not familiar with, and they've been whispering to each other this whole time, I can't trust it." Yoshi thinks to himself as he walks over to the twins, "What do you want?" One of the twins ask, "Your names." Yoshi replies, "Your?" The other twin says as they look at Yoshi confused, "We are Tengu." The Twins say as Yoshi begins to laugh, one of the twins gets upset and steps towards Yoshi, "Idiots." Yoshi says as he walks past him, "Get back here." One of the twins say as the other one grabs him holding him back, "Calm down." The twin says as the other nods, "I would say they are perfect twins but they decided to color their nails, the one with black nails gets upset easily, the one with red nails is much calmer, but seriously the Tengu, they believe they are some ancient Yokai and I don't have the right to laugh." Yoshi thinks to himself as he walks over to the Tsuchikage, "*whistles* You are quite tall." Yoshi says as the Tsuchikage turns to him, "You can't be a genin." Yoshi says in a joking manner as the Tsuchikage steps in between her player and Yoshi, "ENOU..." the Tsuchikage says as her player walks around her, "It's fine, my name is Kentaro, it's nice to meet you." Kentaro says, "You're the only one in here not covering your eyes, why is that?" Yoshi asks as Kentaro laughs, "No need, if anyone has an issue they'd have to settle it with kunai, otherwise it's not my problem." Kentaro says, underneath Yoshi's mask his eyes widen, "He's going to be my biggest problem, he has something up his sleeve, this confidence to say things like that so casually, no discretion of his eye, he doesn't care." Yoshi thinks to himself as he raises his right arm and forms a fist, "Agreed." Yoshi says as Kentaro bumps fists with Yoshi, "This is a meeting correct, THEN WHY DO WE KEEP STOPPING FOR THIS CHILD!" The Raikage yells, "You're just upset Asashi is your partner and I'm not." Yoshi says as he walks over to Tsu, "Why you." The Raikage says as Tsu walks forward, "I agree." The Tsuchikage says as she steps toward them, "Miss." Kentaro whispers as the Tsuchikage shakes her head, "Tell this child to stay in his place you heard what we read in the scrolls and this child wants to shake hands with everybody." The Tsuchikage says as the Raikage nods, "The disrespect he's shown to both of us Kage needs to be addressed." The Raikage says as a vein bursts on Tsu's forehead, Yoshi walks to Tsu's right side and turns to her, "A lot of Estrogen in this room huh." Yoshi says as Tsu turns to him and grins, "I agree." Tsu says as she turns the Tsuchikage and Raikage, "This child you keep referring to is an ex member of my Anbu Black Ops, he became captain after his first 6 months being there, he was 9 at the time, during the 3 years he was an Anbu he roamed around each division, although done without my permission, Yoshi became a team leader in each division, he ate, slept and breathed being an Anbu, never caused my village any trouble, and because all of you are hearing his name for the first time, that means he hasn't caused you any trouble either, and you stand before me talking about disrespect, Fuyuko I find it disrespectful that you a Kage would let past matters cloud your judgment around a child, Moe I find it disrespectful that you stand before me mad that Yoshi is friendly, it sounds like you both didn't come here to listen you came here to argue and because of that this meeting is over, we will have another after the chunin exams." Tsu says as the Mizukage sighs and begins to leave, Fuyuko angerly follows, Moe walks over to Tsu, "This isn't over." Moe says as her and Kentaro leave, "Thanks for the meeting Hokage." The Kazekage says as he bows before leaving, "I'm willing to play, but If you could stop this it would prevent people from getting hurt, including my team, Diamond and Hotaru could get involved, what's the plan?" Yoshi asks as Tsu turns to him, "We still don't know who's behind this." Tsu replies, "I do....yall suspected Mitsuki before right, well Jun'ichi was running his mouth about me and him being players and told me that he remembers Mitsuki operating on him, I think Mitsuki is fully behind this, I also think he's in one of the villages, I'd have to guess the Hidden Mist Village." Yoshi says, "What makes you say that?" Shobukai asks, "The Mizukage was the first to leave showing minimal frustration about the end result of this meeting, seems he's in a hurry, also because I got the information from Jun'ichi and their scroll was the most detailed, I'd have to suggest they're involved somehow." Yoshi replies, "Then we must investigate the Hidden Mist first, we'll start at the Chunin Exams." Tsu says, "Agreed." Shobukai says as him and Yoshi leave.

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