"On The Road To Chunin"

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Kaito and Hoshi look up and see the spider making a giant web above them, they turn to each other before nodding, Kaito and Hoshi dash backwards before disappearing into a forest, "GET BACK HERE!" Diamond yells as him and Hotaru run after them. "Where could they be?" Diamond says as he looks around, Kaito hides in a nearby tree, Kaito notices blood dripping down Diamond's hand, "He's injured, good to know." Kaito thinks to himself as he throws 3 senbon needles at Diamond's right hand, the needles stick Diamond's hand and he begin to bleed, Diamond groans not wanting to make too much noise, Diamond throws 2 smoke bombs, one in the air and one on the ground, "Fuck how did he know." Diamond thinks to himself as he runs through the smoke, Diamond runs into Hotaru who is still looking for Kaito and Hoshi, Kaito follows closely behind Diamond, "Where is Hoshi, I could use some backup." Kaito thinks to himself, "He needs to stop playing around." Kaito thinks to himself as he sees Hoshi jump out of a tree in front of them, "You miss me." Hoshi says as he begins to perform hand signs, Diamond dashes toward Hoshi and appears directly in front of him, Diamond launches a flying right side kick to Hoshi, Hoshi turns into ice and freezes Diamond in place, "It's a clone." Diamond says as he is encased in ice, Hoshi appears behind him, "Sensatsu Suishō, Secret jutsu: A THOUSAND NEEDLES OF DEATH!" Hoshi yells as he summons water to his feet, Hoshi kicks the water in the air and as it falls, each droplet forms into a sharp icicle, Hotaru dashes over to Diamond and makes a barrier around them out of Kikaichū beetles, Hotaru notices that Diamond is bleeding from both hands, "Diamond, why didn't you say anything?" Hotaru asks as she blocks the attack, Hotaru and Diamond land on the ground, Hoshi dashes towards them summoning a blade made of ice, "I'M NOT DONE!" Hoshi yells as he slices Hotaru in half, Hoshi turns around and sees Hotaru's body turn into beetles, the beetles glow before exploding, the explosion sends Hoshi flying into the air, "OOOOOOH SHIT!" Hoshi yells as Kaito catches him, "So damn clumsy." Kaito says as he drops Hoshi on the floor, "You know you could drop me more gently." Hoshi says as Kaito turns to him, "If I do that than there is no point in dropping you, now come on." Kaito says as Hoshi gets up and follows him deeper into the forest, "Diamond, you stay here." Hotaru says as Diamond looks at her angrily, "You're not doing this alone." Diamond says as Hotaru throws a rock at his right hand, Diamond screams in pain, "I am fighting alone already, you're in no shape to fight anyone right now." Hotaru says as she places a healing tag on Diamond's forehead before disappearing into the forest, "I hope that pisses him off, cause I'm about to get sandwiched, two long range jutsu users, I'm mid range at best, I also don't have movement like Diamond so I can't dodge everything." Hotaru thinks to herself as she sees Kaito and Hoshi, Hotaru reaches behind her for a large jar filled with flying insects, Hotaru tosses the jar at them, Kaito and Hoshi dodge the jar, but the jar breaks releasing tiny flying insects, the sound the insects make force these two to act without thinking, Kaito begins to aggressively swing at the air as the insects blind his vision and mess with his hearing, Hoshi walks around like a drunk puppy, trying his hardest to look for Hotaru, "Byakugan." Hotaru says as the veins around her eyes burst, Hotaru dashes toward Kaito, Hotaru swings 18 times landing two fingers at several chakra points before slamming her left palm into Kaito's face sending him flying backwards, Kaito stands up and attempts to use his charka as he makes handsigns, "What's going on." Kaito thinks to himself as Hotaru dashes toward Hoshi, Hoshi gets an awkward feeling that something is around, Hoshi uses his ice release and begins to freeze all of the insects around him, Hoshi then opens his eyes with Hotaru directly infront of him, Hoshi dashes towards Hotaru summoning a blade made of ice, Hoshi swings the blade at Hotaru who ducks under the attack Hotaru begins to strike with her left palm, but Kaito gets up and throws 3 senbon needles at her left knee forcing her to drop, Hoshi knees Hotaru in her face sending her flying backwards, Kaito and Hoshi dash towards Hotaru, Hotaru gets up and assumes a stance, Hoshi and Kaito enter Hotaru's range, "Hakke Rokujūyon Shō, Gentle Fist Art: EIGHT TRIGRAMS SIXTY-FOUR PALMS!" Hotaru yells as she uses her three sixty vision to strike all around her, Hotaru throws 3 palm strikes to the center of Hoshi's chest, she then turns to Kaito and throws 3 more palm strikes at his chest, She turns to Hoshi and throws 6 palm strikes to Hoshi's face, but Hoshi turns into ice as he left a ice clone in his place, upon touching the clone it freezes her in place, "Come on Kaito." Hoshi says as he appears in front of Hotaru, "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu, Water Style: WATER DRAGON JUTSU!" Kaito yells, "Hyōton: Hyōryū no Jutsu, Ice Style: ICE DRAGON JUTSU!" Hoshi yells, they both fire their attacks, "Doton: Doryūheki, Earth Style: MUD WALL!" Diamond yells as he summons two large walls of mud blocking each attack, Kaito and Hoshi look up at Diamond and see that his skin is slightly red, "He can go into the third gate." Kaito says as Diamond descends from the sky, Diamond removes weights from his leg and tosses them as he lands, Diamond's first step is so fast he seemingly twleports around the area, Diamond dashes around Kaito and Hoshi, neither Kaito or Hoshi can see him, but multiple scrolls keep appearing around them, 54 open scrolls appear around Kaito and Hoshi, Diamond appears by Hotaru and picks her up as he jumps high above the scrolls, Kaito and Hoshi jump after him, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu, Fire Style: FIRE BALL JUTSU!" Diamond yells as he fires a huge ball of fire downward forcing Hoshi and Kaito to drop down, multiple kunai begin to fly from out the scroll, each kunai has an explosive tag on each one, the tags on each kunai begin to explode as the Fireball Jutsu descends upon Kaito and Hoshi.

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