"Where did he come from"

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Yoshi wakes up and feels that he is straped to something, as he looks around he sees that he's tied to a chair, "Tsu walks in front of him, "State your name, NOW!" Tsu yells as Yoshi looks at her uninterested, "Shobukai was it, can you remove your beetles from my back, I wasn't here to attack you in the first place." Yoshi says as a vein bursts above Tsu's right eye, "Ignoring the Hokage will cost you your life child." Tsu says as Shobukai walks over to Yoshi, "Listen kid, I can't do that unless you tell us your name and what you're doing here." Shobukai says, "*sighs* My name is Yoshi, I'm from the Cloud Village." Yoshi says, "So you want talk to me huh." Tsu says as Yoshi turns to her, "My father told me never to talk to cougars." Yoshi says as he turns away from Tsu, "A couger, I am no such thing." Tsu says as Yoshi looks at her confused, "Why are your breasts out like that then?" Yoshi asks as Shobukai lifts up his hood and turns to the wall, "Why you." Tsu says, "Listen Hokage, I was sent to give you a message there is a scroll I've been meaning to give you, I will say this though, out of the Anbu I killed to get here, I only meant to kill one." Yoshi says as Tsu and Shobukai look at him confused, "Killed?" Shobukai says, "Yeah, I took one of their clothes, but the ones that didn't let me through the village were all taken out, I dropped them off on the right side of the village barrier, their probably still healable." Yoshi says as Shobukai disappears, "The scroll where is it?" Tsu asks as Yoshi looks up, Tsu looks in the same direction to see a scroll stuck on the ceiling, Tsu grabs the scroll and opens it, "Let's play a game Village Hidden in the Leaf, I have given you your piece to win, if you survive the encounter you should be reading this yourself Lord Hokage, I'd request that you keep this boy close to the village, if he says he's from the Cloud Village he isn't lying, I mean he can only tell the truth of what he knows, truthfully his body is of Cloud Village descent, but I've made a few changes, anyway have fun with the child, oh and this won't be the last message from me you'll get, but give it time I'm still setting up the game." The scroll reads, Tsu looks at the boy in shock, "Who wrote this, WHO WROTE THIS!" Tsu yells as Shobukai appears, "Hokage our Anbu troops are fine I sent them over to the Haruno estate." Shobukai says as he notices Yoshi's right eye dripping tears, "What are you crying about?" Shobukai says as Yoshi opens his right eye, "Can one of you tell me what's wrong with my eye, it's been hurting since I started my voyage here." Yoshi says as Tsu's eyes widen, "A Sharingan, but....how?" Tsu asks as Yoshi shakes his head, "I don't know, before this mission, I was knocked over the top of my head and I woke up with my eye in pain." Yoshi says as Tsu looks over to Shobukai, "Go find Mada Yamenaka, I don't trust this boy." Tsu says as Shobukai disappears

An hour passes before Shobukai and Mada appear.

"Hey Lady Tsu long time no see, I hope what you dragged me here for was important." Mada says as he looks at Yoshi, "Nevermind it doesn't matter if it's important, I'm interested, what's your name kid?" Mada asks, "Yoshi." Yoshi replies, "Well kid this'll only take a minute." Mada says as he places his right hand on top of Yoshi's head, "I'll use my Mind Transfer Jutsu and sees what's in here.....definitely from the Cloud Village....he was given a mission to deliver a scroll to the Hokage about 2 weeks ago by...Mitsuki, I thought he was dead guess he's not....it also seems like Mitsuki is the one who put the Sharingan in his right eye....oh this is interesting he put a cursed mark on the kid...this kid is quite skilled.....he made our Anbu Black Ops look like amateurs....and infiltrated the Leaf Village with ease, If he knew a counter to the sensory barrier he wouldn't have had to fight any Anbu to get here....and done." Mada says as he removes his hand from Yoshi's head, "Well then, what should we do...with him?" Shobukai asks, "I say you force him to join the Anbu, the kid has skills, he used ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu to get here, plus the kids got a Sharingan he doesn't know how to use, also in his list of memories I saw his family die infront of him, I don't think there's anything for him in the hidden cloud, if we bring him back he will be looked at as a terrorist and a rogue ninja and will be jailed for his actions even though he was abducted, I say you send him to the Cat Division they need more assasins with his level of stealth, any-who I'm leaving I gotta go help out at the flower shop, see you later kid." Mada says before disappearing, "Wait...*scoffs* Cat Division huh, fine Shobukai enlist Yoshi into the Anbu we'll see what we can do with him, Yoshi how old are you?" Tsu asks, "I'm 9." Yoshi says as Shobukai and Tsu look at each other.

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