"On The Road To Chunin"

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The next morning Shobukai, Hotaru and Diamond exit the village.

"First mission and he's late." Diamond says as Shobukai shakes his head, "Yoshi lives outside of the village, so he should be out here before us." Shobukai says as they continue to walk, "Why does he live outside of the village?" Hotaru asks as Shobukai turns to her, "He likes the scenery." Shobukai says as a ninja jumps down from a tree, the ninja wears a red mask and blue ninja jumpsuit with only one sleeve, Diamond and Hotaru assume stances, the ninja takes off the mask, "Y'all like the mask, I think it makes me look...mysterious." Yoshi says as Diamond begins to scratch his head, Yoshi notices that Diamond's hands are considerably damaged, Yoshi walks up to them, "Hotaru." Yoshi says as he tosses an umaibo takoyaki stick towards her, Hotaru catches it and her eyes slightly drift in her father's direction, Shobukai looks at the umaibo, "How did he know." Shobukai thinks to himself as Yoshi walks up to Diamond, Yoshi puts his right hand on Diamond's left shoulder before leaning close to his ear, "What's up with your hand?" Yoshi whispers as Diamond adjusts his sleeve, "It's a birth mark." Diamond says as he brushes off Yoshi's hand, Yoshi side eyes Diamond as he walks past him, "Everything all right?" Hotaru asks Yoshi as she looks toward Diamond, "We were just catching up." Yoshi replies, Hotaru leans in close to Yoshi's ear, "Thanks for the umaibo." Hotaru whispers, "You're welcome." Yoshi whispers, both Hotaru and Yoshi feel someone staring at them as they both look towards Shobukai, "I've never seen him like this before." Yoshi thinks to himself as he turns around, "Diamond wait up." Yoshi says as he runs toward Diamond, "Hold up." Shobukai says as him and Hotaru walk behind them.

They travel to the Land of Iron.

"The samurai that live here reported rogue Hidden Mist ninja roaming around in the area." Shobukai says as they walk through the snow, Yoshi notices movement in a tree on their left side, "Diamond throw something at that tree on the left." Yoshi says as Diamond throws a senbon needle at the tree, "AAAGGHHHH!" A ninja screams as they drop down from the tree, "Right on the shoulder." Diamond says as the ninja stands before them, "Kaito, Jun'ichi." The ninja says as two more ninja appear, "They all seem to be genin." Shobukai says as a large ninja wearing a Kirigakure Anbu mask lands in front of the genin, "Hoshi, are you alright?" The ninja asks, "Yes Kuraokami sensei." Hoshi replies, "Sensei?" Yoshi thinks to himself, Yoshi feels a sharp pain in his right eye, at the same moment Jun'ichi grabs the left side of his face, they both make eye contact, "SO IT'S YOU, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" Jun'ichi yells as he dashes toward Yoshi, "I guess this is my match up." Yoshi says as he dashes backwards into a forest, "GET BACK HERE I HAVE QUESTIONS!" Jun'ichi yells as he follows Yoshi, "If that's the case." Diamond says as he appears in front of Hoshi, "I struck you first so you're my opponent." Diamond says as as he throws a left uppercut to Hoshi's body, Hoshi coughs up blood, Diamond begins to throw a right cross at Hoshi, "Suiton Suiryūdan no Jutsu, Water Style WATER DRAGON JU..." Kaito says as he feels something creeping into his clothes, the water dragon he was summoning disperses, "My chakra." Kaito says as Hotaru's Kikaichū beetles feast on his chakra, "BUG BOMB!" Hotaru yells as she throws a large sphere of Kikaichū beetles at Kaito, Kuraokami reaches for the attack, but is stopped by Shobukai's Shadow Possession Jutsu, Diamond's right hand crashes into Hoshi's face sending him flying into a tree, Diamond's right hand begins to bleed as he runs toward Hoshi, "I'm not wasting anytime GATE OF OPENING!" Diamond yells as he dashes toward Hoshi, "The hell is that." Hoshi says as the bug bomb hits Kaito in his face, "So this is what Leaf Village Shinobi are capable of, impressive." Kuraokami says as as a large toad descends upon Shobukai, Shobukai dodges the toad which releases his Shadow Possession Jutsu, "I have to get rid of that toad immediately." Shobukai thinks to himself as he backs up further away, Kuraokami jumps on the back of the toad and snickers, "Listen it's fine that you're here, but now you must leave." Kuraokami says as he points toward Shobukai, "Well unless you wanted to tell us what you're doing here, we won't be able to leave, but since that is unlikely, Summoning Jutsu: AGILE SPIDER!" Shobukai yells as he summons a large spider although it is much smaller than the toad, the spider begins to jump around leaving a thread of its web everywhere it lands, "Suiton Mizurappa, Water Release: WILD WATER WAVE!" Kuraokami yells as he fires a large stream of water at the spider, "Doton Doryūheki, Earth Release: MUD WALL!" Shobukai yells as a hardened wall of mud rises between the stream of water and the spider, this blocks Kuraokami's attack and the spider begins to leap upwards, "HEY YOU'RE FIGHT IS WITH ME!" Shobukai yells as he throws a kunai at Kuraokami, Kuraokami catches the kunai, but notices an explosive tag attached to it, Kuraokami throws it back towards Shobukai, but the tag explodes before he is able to let go, Shobukai leaps upward and lands on top of the toads mouth, Shobukai reaches for his pouch and grabs a giant bottle, "it's your turn." Shobukai says as he opens the bottle and a giant beetle falls out of the bottle the beetle begins to drain the toad of its chakra rapidly, the beetle begins to grow in size as it takes the toad's chakra, Kuraokami jumps up and launches a flying right side kick at Shobukai, Shobukai dodges the attack by jumping backwards off of the toad's face, Kuraokami sees the beetle and grabs a sword from his back to stab it, but feels something climbing onto his leg, Kuraokami looks down and sees hundreds of regular sized Kikaichū beetles surrounding his leg, Kuraokami sees the beetles all over the toad's back as well and decides to jump off, "Gotcha." Shobukai says as he uses Shadow Possession Jutsu to force both the toad and Kuraokami to stand still.

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