Another World

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In his mind, he has a world of his own,
Where he can be himself and not feel alone.
A place where he can be free,
And live the life he wants to live.

In this world, he can be whoever he wants,
And do whatever he pleases without any taunts.
He can be a hero or a villain,
And no one will judge him for his feelings.

He can be a king or a queen,
And no one will question his honor.
He can be a lover or a fighter,
And no one will tell him he's not a writer.

In this world, he can be anything,
And no one will say he's not a queen or a king.
He can be happy or he can be sad,
And no one will tell him he's not a dad.

This world is his escape from reality,
A place where he can find his own clarity.
A place where he can be himself,
And not worry about anyone else.

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