Is it Over?

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He sits alone, his thoughts a whirl,
Wondering if he's lost his girl.
He thinks of all the things they've shared,
The love, the laughter, the moments bared.

He wonders if it's all been in vain,
If he's the only one feeling the pain.
He thinks of her smile, her touch, her kiss,
And wonders if he'll ever feel like this.

He knows that life goes on,
That he'll find love again, and he'll be strong.
He'll look back on this day and smile,
Knowing that he'll make it all worthwhile.

He stands there, his heart in his hand,
Asking himself, "Is this the end?"
The end of a love that he thought would last,
The end of a future that he hoped would come fast.

He looks at her, her eyes downcast,
Her face a mask, her feelings masked.
He asks her softly, "Is it over?"
She looks at him, her eyes full of sorrow.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, "but it's time to go."
He nods his head, his heart full of woe.
He watches her leave, his heart in his hand,
Wondering how he'll ever understand.

But he knows that life goes on,
That he'll find love again, and he'll be strong.
He'll look back on this day and smile,
Knowing that he'll make it all worthwhile.

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