Deceased Love

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She sits by the window, lost in thought,
Her heart heavy with pain and fraught.
She speaks to him, her lover dear,
But he's not there, or so it appears.

She tells him of her day and life,
Of all the joys and all the strife.
She laughs and cries, but he's still gone,
And she's left to face life alone.

But what she doesn't know, can't see,
Is that she's also deceased, like he.
They're both in limbo, stuck in time,
Forever lost, without a sign.

So they talk and talk, day and night,
In a world that's neither dark nor light.
They share their love, their hopes, their fears,
And wipe away each other's tears.

But as the days turn into years,
Their memories fade, their love disappears.
And they're left with nothing but regret,
For the life they lost, and the love they met.

So let this be a lesson to all,
To cherish life, before it falls.
To love with all your heart and soul,
Before it's too late, and you're left alone.

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